Duplicate files

CCleaner has created a list of duplicate files. What do I do with the check marked items?

How do I clean all the collected "crap" off the computer?

How do I clean all the collected "crap" off the computer?

A recent thread on basic use. http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=40108&do=findComment&comment=243690

As for the duplicate files, I leave 'em be cos I'm not adventurous enough to mess with them.

As to your duplicate files questions, CC will find them but only you can decide which one (if any) can be deleted.

This is where you and you alone have to eyeball each one, looking at the path, and decide the action.

Leaving that decision to CC is fraught with danger.

64herald ... I've asked the admin to chop off the latter part of your username.

Using an email address as a username is not a good idea as that address, being on an open forum, could be spammed mercilessly.

Cleaning duplicate files is only slightly less dangerous than standing in the middle of your living room and attempting to juggle two open containers of gasoline and a sparkler. Unless you possess great skill, either can end in disaster.

Slightly off topic, but there are a couple of cool avatars in this topic. :)

Totally off topic but I like your new avatar, kroozer.

(What the heck, I can stay on topic next year).

Fwiw, +1 to the above posts.

Don't mess with the duplicates unless you must, AND you know what they are and why they are there.

For example, I found a bunch of genuine duplicates I had saved because of differences in the folder names where I put them. I remembered doing it, merged the folders, checked the hashes and deleted the dupes.

Long way around, but safest. :)

I have to agree with Derek and Loguin123, duplicate files, unless you really know what you are doing should not be messed with. Just like the registry.

But then again, we only really learn with the mistakes we make, so if you really want, go ahead and play with it.


About 6 years ago, I was bought a computer + I didn't know a thing about them. I didn't even have the help of my ex, who gave me my 1st Dell Optiplex...Needless to say, I had a fair few nasty happenings. Somehow though, I always managed to get myself out of the most hidious situations, by just not giving up...Half the time I didn't know what I did to get into the mess in the 1st place, let alone get out of it...One really horendous mistake though, was one that I never made again + that was trust a program that offered to get rid of duplicate files.... :wacko: ....At the start, things went really well, it took forever + the program was behaving itself...It was asking me every time if I wanted to delete or not + then suddenly, before I had a chance to stop it, it started to erase without permission. The next thing I knew was a message onscreen that I should restart my pc immediately as critical files had been erased....I did my best, but to no joy.....The program had left me with a dead computer as it had erased ALL of my drivers.... :lol: Never again...I still can't help fiddling though..... :D

.I still can't help fiddling though.....

You're amongst friends. :)

Most of us are usually fiddling with something. A new Linux distro, new software, re-wiring this or tuning up that. And usually we end up getting bit on the bum as you did with your duplicate files excursion.

Thankfully, amongst the bunch of us we can usually help each other out of any situation but the biggest help is an "Image Backup" and quite a lot of us use "Macrium". Reliable and rock solid.

Macrium Reflect (Home Version):

If you can't help fiddling, and you haven't already, get yourself an Image backup.

Some previous topics on Macrium and "Imaging":

EDIT: Welcome to the forum by the way Lyngypsy.

Never again...I still can't help fiddling though..... :D

Unfortunately with computers experience is often gained by making a wreck of them. Been there, done that.

You're amongst friends. :)

Most of us are usually fiddling with something. A new Linux distro, new software, re-wiring this or tuning up that. And usually we end up getting bit on the bum as you did with your duplicate files excursion.

Thankfully, amongst the bunch of us we can usually help each other out of any situation but the biggest help is an "Image Backup" and quite a lot of us use "Macrium". Reliable and rock solid.

Macrium Reflect (Home Version):

If you can't help fiddling, and you haven't already, get yourself an Image backup.

Some previous topics on Macrium and "Imaging":

EDIT: Welcome to the forum by the way Lyngypsy.

Thanx for that DennisD...It's good to know I'm not the only nut around here who just wouldn't let it lie...lol My 'Adventures' continued yesterday...I decided after downloading the 14 day free trial of CCleaner Professional, I would give it a try, not realizing that the driver wipe took so long...I started it the 1st time + it got to about 4 hrs + a pop-up appeared, saying 'Access Denied' + an 'OK' button. I had no option but to click 'OK' + the program ended...I tried later for the 2nd time + it got to about 7 hrs + did exactly the same thing again...I was running it as an administrator + after going through posts on here, I still couldn't work out what was wrong...A bit later....Yes...You guessed it...I tried it all over again...I started off with 733GB on drive + 14 hrs later, I had 9.59GB on drive...I had only 44mins left to go, it said....Needless to say, I was hopeful... :rolleyes: It's going to work this time...I thought...Then suddenly....Shutdown.... :o Everything, I mean.....My electricity key had run out + I was sitting here close to tears...lol So near, yet so far away....I was terrified that a shutdown like that was going to lock me out of windows again, as happened the other week + with only 9.59GB to try to restart....I had to go out on the bus to top up my key but I was too much of a coward to face trying to sort out the certain mess that used to be HAL my pc...

I actually psyched myself up for 'Doom' this morning, expecting the worst....It started up, I clicked on start Windows normally, it opened up with no problem...I restarted CCleaner, expecting another 14 hrs, but in 10 mins, it finished the job with no issues....I couldn't believe it...I wonder what will happen next....PMSL....Maybe I should write a blog....lol :lol:

Unfortunately with computers experience is often gained by making a wreck of them. Been there, done that.

I totally agree with that...My trouble is, I like to learn what everything does + then I can't leave it there, I have to tweek this + tweek that....I remember one time when I had not long got my 1st pc, I had somehow got into a mega zoom situation....Everything was just soooo big that I couldn't work out what it was + didn't know how to get to the taskbar from what seemed like miles away...I was Alice in the rabbit hole for sure at that point... :wacko: I got myself out of that mess in the end + still don't know what happened there....lol

Another of my disasters was turning my whole screen upside-down.....If you've never done that one, I do not recommend it...It's not just the screen that's the wrong way up, the curser moves in reverse too...So, if you try to move up the screen to the right hand corner, the curser would go down the screen to the left hand side...I felt quite ill by the time I got out of that one.... :blink: :D