
Just changed from Bing to DDG and was wondering what others thought of it?

Pros, Cons, Tips/Tricks?

(thanks to login123 for refering to it in previous posts)

. . .(thanks to login123 for refering to it in previous posts)

Glad you like it.

Like much of the good stuff on here, Hazelnut found it originally. She mentioned it because of the improved privacy I think.

Have not noticed much to talk about, only that it seems to start slower than it did at first.

There are tons of settings under the "More" Button. I never looked at them until just now. Don't know any tricks. :-(

I believe Linux Mint uses it for its default search in Firefox. At this point a search engine would have to pay me not to use google. Between chrome, google apps, and android I'm hooked too deeply in Google to switch.(don't use gmail though, cant stand it)

it's awesome, I use it on all of my devices, and if, perchance I happen to want to google I just !g and go. You can even ! Random pages and (often) get that search (i.e !emusic will search emusic)

I started using it and liked it, especially the 'clean' look.

no ads is great. and no more pages of results, it just keeps scrolling down - very nice!

the More settings and the such don't interest me - can't use them anyway as I always have my browsers in private mode.

but what really won my over (and tickled my fancy) was when I saw DDG uses I'm feeling Ducky - cracked me up :D ....

I prefer "StartPage" for the benefit of the information above the results, such as

About 123,999,108 results (0.08 seconds)

If I see that when looking for something uncommon I recognise that I may have a million pages of result to scan before I find what I want,

and then I try a more specific search phrase.