dublicate searching

Searching dublicates of files is very actual thing... would you like to add this function in Ccleaner?

It can work like this:

step 1. user sets 3 folders.

a)The first folder is for mp3-files. In this folder and subfolders must be located all mp3-files.

b)The second folder is for video-files. In this folder and subfolders must be located all video-files: avi, mkv, mpeg, mp4, flv, wmv and like this.

c)The third folder is for photo. Here must be located all image files(jpg, jpeg)

And it would be nice, if user can define additional custom folder and file-types for it.

step 2. Program scans defined folders and looking for(and delete) dublicates there. In this step program also make a list of files of this folders.

step 3. Program scans all media in computer, looking for files of selected types and compare them with the files from list. If file does not exist in the list, it must be moved in defined folder and list must be updated. If file exist in the list, dublicate must be deleted.

PS: it's just a general idea)) Existing programs for dublicate searching work in manual mode. I.e. they automatically find dublicates, but then you must manual work with each file :)

And I propose to collect all files of certain type(s) in one folder and delete them in other folders.


I think it would be a brave person that trusts any sort of duplicate file finding program to delete files without first double checking each and every one of the results manually.

I can see the day when you'll run the program and hit Proceed button then watch important files disappear.

People who run these sort of programs need have a comprehensive, and tested, backup and recovery solution in place.