Driver Updater stuck!

So, I am using Driver Updater to update my computer (win10, running all required windows updates) and it has been stuck on this driver for nearly an hour at this point... I am a little uneasy to do anything with my computer because I don't want to interrupt this process, and there does not appear to be a cancel button of any sort in the case that a driver gets stuck like this.



Sometimes things get stuck in loops on computers, even Windows Updates get stuck in a loop occassionally.

I agree that is does seem remiss that there is no 'Cancel' button in the Driver Updater, I'll point it out to the staff as an improvement to make.

(I've never used Driver Updater myself so had never noticed).

When something does get stuck like this then you have 2 choices.

  1. You can leave it running to see if it 'unsticks' itself after time.
  2. You can ignore what it says about not disconnecting or turning off, and abort whatever is stuck.

Usually though if you wait for the first you end up doing the second eventually.

(I know it can be scary ignoring such 'don't turn off' warnings, but if it is genuinely stuck then there is nothing else you can do - it's less scary once you have done it few times for different freezes).

Personally in a situation like this I'd force close CCleaner and then Restart (not Shutdown/Boot) my machine.

Doing a Restart gives a clean-out of what was in the System Memory Kernel.

To close CCleaner I'd first try the 'X' in the top right corner, and if that won't close it then I'd open Task Manager and 'End Task' for CCleaner.

Then I'd Restart the machine.

I'm only guessing here, but it's looks like the kind of 'stick' that could happen if the new driver cannot be fetched from it's server.

(Maybe it's been moved, or withdrawn? Maybe that particular server is offline? Maybe your AV/firewall is blocking the download?).

Again though I'd have thought there should be a 'timeout' error check included for if that happens.

Thank you for the thorough and thoughtful reply! I went ahead and closed CCleaner, which seemed to have worked until my computer blue screen shortly thereafter - I was able to recover everything by reverting back to before the driver updates, so crisis averted.

For sure, if they could add a cancel button or a timeout check that would probably help more than just me! Thanks again.

Good to hear you got things back as they were. (Have you checked that your audio is working OK?)

I'd suggest that you don't use Driver Updater (any driver updater) again, but of course that's my personal opinion and whether or not you use one is your choice.