1) I like v5.82 better than v5.83. In v5.82 there are always "Upward arrows" (what is the proper name for this character ?) to the left of the name of the newly proposed driver. Whereas in v5.83 this "upward arrow" is missing when the user opens this pane/screen for the first time. Only after clicking next to the name of the new driver those "upward arrow" shows up. I think these "arrows" should always be shown.
Bug in the program code ? Back to the program code of v5.82 ?
2) When "Driver Update" proposes a driver update then there is an "upward arrow" next to the name of the driver. See the picture for an example. Clicking on that "arrow" expands the list downwards and provides the user with one or more new drivers. Then a "downward arrow" shows up. Clicking on that arrow makes the new updates go away.
I think it should precisley the oppposite: the "upward arrows" should be replaced by the "downward arrows" in the program code. And the "downward arrows" should be replaced by "upward arrows" in the program code. So, just swap these "arrows". That will take away the confusion. Then - in this screen - the program code is more intuitive.
3) CCleaner is able to pull up new drivers for one system. Is there a way to download the installation files of these new (proposed) drivers to one's system ? Where does CCleaner get those drivers from ?
(I would love to have those new drivers stored on my HD / SSD just in case I must re-install my Windows Operating System).
(the picture & story in the previous post wasn't too clear)
The red & blue arrows point each to a(n) (inverse) "caret" (are these characters called "carets" ????). I think the "carets" should be swapped. The carets (blue arrow) should be an "inverse caret" and the inverse carets (red arrows) should be a (normal) caret.
- Yes, but in Windows Explorer & SPECCY the carets point to the right or up. But here the carets point up or down (but not to the right). A small but important difference.
"Yes, but in Windows Explorer & SPECCY the carets point to the right or down. But here the carets point up or down (but not to the right). A small but important difference.
- Agree. There is no law about what should be used but I find the current situation not "intuitive".
- There could be anther solution for this (grave ??) "GUI problem": Apply the same logic as in SPECCY and Explorer. I.e. when one category is "closed" then let the caret point to the right. And when the user clicks on that caret 1) open the extra information 2) let the new caret point downwards.