Driver Update "hangs up" at 26%

I tried running the new Driver Update several times and it keeps "hanging up" at 26%. The screen shot below has been running for nearly 48 hours. Any recommendations?


You should be able to cancel the scan to stop it, or close CCleaner altogether if needed; I'd recommend then restarting the computer via the Start menu and trying the scan afterwards, before running any other programs.

(Note that I don't recommend forcing closed CCleaner while the driver updater is actually updating drivers - but since the message indicates that it's simply checking for drivers, that shouldn't be a problem.)

If it gets stuck again, I would recommend getting in touch with the support team directly via the Contact Us form here: or by emailing so that this can be looked into further.

This is driver updater program is totally worthless. Have tried to run it 5 times now and it does nothing. Stays at 0% and never goes any further. To think I paid to upgrade to the Pro Version. Will not renew when my subscription comes up for renewal. Will go back to the free version. I'm not going to pay for something that doesn't work.

Hi @osubuckeye9 We're very sorry to hear of how the Driver Updater never moves past 0% of progression.

Our support team would like to investigate this further.

Do they have permission to contact you via email, using the same address that is registered to your forums account?