Here is an opinion from the intel support for drivers:
"The motherboard manufacturer creates their product using the chipset. Based on their internal considerations they decide what the life-cycle of the product will be, during that life-cycle they provide driver updates and BIOS updates for that particular product.
If any change or update is needed past the end of the life-cycle they make the decision if a driver update is made.
Regarding preservation of the drivers the latest available for the motherboard are found on the manufacturers website. </span></span>
Anything else that needs to be updated will be updated by the OS(either through downloads or is already contained by it).
That is why in new installations of Windows so little driver installation must take place.
There is no gatekeeping done here, if there was any other avenue through which I could provide you with the requested drivers I would have provided you with them by now.
Regarding how the CCleaner program detects potential updates I do not have any theories.</span>
Regarding inappropriate drivers Windows actually allows you to install drivers for hardware that is not compatible however it explains during the driver change that this might not function in the best case and might make your computer unusable in the worst case scenario. "</span>
So please let me know what CCleaner knows more than Intel (or other Driver and hardware developer) or at last Microsoft Windows...
With CCleaner drivers, it is also not clear whether the drivers are not compromised (with malware). These drivers are also not certified by the manufacturers as described above.
Therefore, this function in the paid "Pro" version is absolute moneymaking, which, as you can see here in the forum, also causes damage to the user, as expected.
So please stop this nonsense with driver updates that don't really exist.