Driver Cache


in my windows Directory there is also a folder "Driver Cache" (95 MB).

An other system cleaner that I tested (but that I am not using) tells me the following text:

This directory contains drivers for hardware and is needed when new devices are detected (for example when you plug in a new hardware). You can delete this folders, in worst case you have to insert a Driver-CD or the Windows-CD.

So, would it make sense to offer this directory in CCleaner?



No it wouldn't make sense to add it into CCleaner for the fact some systems don't have a Windows installation disc and instead can only be restored from the restore partition which in turn wipes out everything on the hard disk and starts from scratch.

We use that folder to get a clean backup of a file to deal with patched files in malware removal. From that point of view, it would be a terrible idea for users to flush the contents of the folder.