Drive Wiper

I had my flash drive [Fat32] put into a folder to be burned, NERO Burnlite 10 only read folders. I transferred all from that to a DVD+RW. Can I now erase the flashdrive?

I don't see why not. Why don't you just try it? I believe that the Drive Wiper formats the drive then wipes the free space: I don't know whether it remembers the format type or just goes for NTFS. Let us know.

I've just used Drive Wiper on a USB Flash Drive formatted in FAT 32. The drive was first formatted and then wiped and the format type remained as FAT 32.

None of the files that had been on the USB drive could be found using Recuva in either normal scan or deep scan so Drive Wiper certainly did its job. There were two large files created in the Drive Wiper process which Recuva listed but these were unrecoverable. The process appears to work by creating large files to overwrite the data on the drive. This is a 2GB USB drive and the two files created total up to about 2GB in size.

That's good, and confirms what we thought.