Drive Wiper-Wipe Free Space-Skip what is not necessary: donot start from scratch

When a Drive Wiper-> "Run Free Space" has to be interrupted/stopped, for whatever reason, CCLeaner will start from scratch when the same task is re-started. At least, that is the impression I get.

It would be nice if CCleaner remembers/records what has been done, or first check what should be handled only, i.e. not start from scratch, so the task is finished more quickly.

Vainly tried to find earlier threads suggesting this, likely I am overlooking them.


It could be that there would inevitably be patches of 'new' free space prior to the pause point, so they would be missed when the wfs continues. If you mean do a rescan and compare with what's been overwritten already, then it's not possible to tell whether the overwritten space still remains 'overwritten', or whether it has had a file created and subsequently deleted there, showing as free space but containing data.