Drive Wiper problem

I have tried to run the Drive Wiper in different Security levels(1 Pass, 35 pass) and I am getting this error message after about 30% complete: "The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file."

I was able to use Drive Wiper previously and only after installing CCleaner v3.02 and v3.03 have I had this issue.

1. What process is locking a portion of the file?

2. How do I unlock or bypass?

3. Or how do I stop the process from locking a portion of the file?

I run Windows XP and I am not very computer literate so please "dumb" down the advice.


There are 4 different ways to remove stuff :-

1. Delete items

2. Secure delete items.

3. Wipe Free Space.

4. Wipe entire Drive.

I suspect you mean 2, in which case it could be any one of thousands of files you should not be zapping.

I suggest you totally cancel secure deletion and just use a plain delete

then analyse and anything that has not already been removed is probably what you should not be hitting.


Drive Wiper does not offer deletion of individual files, only WFS and wipe entire drive, so it's more likely to be option 3, Alan.


1) Absolutely no idea

2) Not many ideas, you could close every window and application you can find and then run CC on it's own. If the problem goes then it's one of the applications you've closed. If the problem remains then it could be one of the processes that are started at boot time either in services or in the startup list. Finding the culprit won't be easy.

3) Same as 2 really.

As I don't really know what would lock a portion of a deleted file you could run a chkdsk to verify the disk sectors. Actually I would probably run this first. There's info on Google how to schedule chkdsk.