Drive Wiper - not wiping external drive

Drive Wiper - not wiping external drive

I've scanned through existing posts, didn't see anyone with my problem so I'd thought to ask.

I have an eSata/USB drive dock that I am using to erase a stack of 74-300GB SATA drives, but am having problems with Drive Wiper not doing it's job.

I select

"Entire Drive (All data will be erased)

Simple Overwrite (1 pass) or DOD 3pass

Select the drive (E:) typically

Click Wipe

Type ERASE and select OK

After about 30-90minutes it finishes.... but the drive's data is untouched.

Am I doing something wrong?

On the Drive Wiper screen are you sure you changed the "Wipe" option from "Free Space Only" to "Entire Drive"?

On the Drive Wiper screen are you sure you changed the "Wipe" option from "Free Space Only" to "Entire Drive"?


Notice I said I was promtped to type "ERASE"?

This will only occur if you choose entire drive.

I figured out a workaround...I just do a quick format of the drive, then select Wipe Free space (3pass DOD) wipes the whole drive, not just the free space.

Good enough for me.

I seem to be experiencing this problem also.

I have a notebook hard drive attached to a USB SATA adapter.

CCleaner version: v3.07.1457

OS: MS Windows XP Home SP3

I chose the "Entire Drive (All data will be erased)" option with 1 pass. It doesn't seem to actually format the partition I have selected. After Drive Wiper is finished, I can still see all my files in Windows Explorer.

Guys, I experienced the same issue recently, and the devs are aware of that, and will I'm sure be looking at it.

From what you say, you're not doing anything wrong.