drive integrity

when i defrag system restore files they get somehow corrupted

The last time i used defraggler i defragged the system restore point files and later i had to do a system restore and every restore points failed

system = windows xp pro

need some expert input

i need some tools to prove if the files have been changed or corrupted by defraggler

i need tools the will tell me if they have been modified in any way

thank you

You don't say which Operating System you're using, but if it's XP I've had a few System Restore failures caused by I really don't know what.

Partly as a result of that, I never defrag System Volume Information (System Restore) files, because I believe you're adding the possibility of losing the integrity of those files by messing with them.

I don't know of any way to test their integrity, so I would recommend excluding them from any defrag, and occasionally have a clean out of them with Disk Cleanup.

My humble opinion of course.

how can i trust defraggler

i need to know if defraggler is corrupting other files too

need tools to verify files integrity
