Download update issue - Conduit

Am I the only one who messed up when trying to update CCleaner to the newest version, and, using FileHippo, managed to load "Conduit" - a truly large pain in the butt - and have yet to update...

This is the only time I've had a problem or issue with CCleaner.

Suffice it to note FileHippo is way off my trusted list.

Using 7-Zip I unpacked the setup file from and the only 3rd party stuff included is to download and install Google Toolbar and Google Chrome Browser, nothing Conduit related that I could find. I see why you'd be upset after reading the WOT rating page about it.

The hashes for the download "ccsetup408.exe" on are:

MD5: CE2E04C5B0C4820E129886A874D92C03
SHA-1: 6585F3BCD797EFC2F81599CDE50115668B677D52
The download also has a valid digital signature.

Jotti Malware Scan finds nothing, saved scan results:

MetaScan Online finds nothing, saved scan results:

Do you have an installed anti-malware and/or anti-virus telling you differently?

Or perhaps you accidently clicked on one of the many prominent Start Download buttons that have nothing to do with CC, but everything to do with some other paid software 'ads'.

Or perhaps you accidently clicked on one of the many prominent Start Download buttons that have nothing to do with CC, but everything to do with some other paid software 'ads'.

Those ads are the worst. But boy are they profitable.

Or perhaps you accidently clicked on one of the many prominent Start Download buttons that have nothing to do with CC, but everything to do with some other paid software 'ads'.

Turning off adblocking reveals how deceptive the download link can be on there, with adblocking enabled no such problems or confusion. However we've had discussion about FileHippo doing that in the past.

Got anti-malware on for sure, now.

I certainly was the author of my own problem because I was in too much of a hurry to update.

Patience is not a virtue I am known for.

My first bad experience with FileHippo. Once, OK - twice, my fault.

Conduit is adware I think.

You should run AdwCleaner on your computer. And Malwarebytes wouldn't hurt either.

I downloaded CC Cleaner from Tucows and now have Conduit which I cannot get rid of!

Obviously for you it's a little late now but CC should only be downloaded from Piriform or FileHippo.

There maybe others but these are proven safe while sites like Tucows and CNET are proven very unsafe.

Although forum rules prohibit giving advice on malware removal, the suggestions offered above should be investigated.

Sorry for your difficulties.

I just downloaded ccleaner 409 from filehippo and installed it.

No conduit. Google offering, but no conduit.

Fwiw, I did a cursory google search for "remove conduit".

It mostly backs up what eL_PuSHeR said above.

Looks like a pain in the neck, but it is removable.


Members are supposed to refer such issues to a real malware removal forum.

So, go here

and read rule 10: Giving advice on Malware Removal.

Might be easier to fo to one of those forums and let them help.