vs file hippo and softpedia ?

iam wanting to know, which download site is most popular, including security concerns. a few downloads ive gotten from softpedia , after scan of file, revealed a few undesirable viruses, some were deemed as high alert viruses.. i found out that filehippo is becoming new fave site..

so which download site do you prefer. -note, my findings of softpedia does not nessesarily reflect others who might find that site to be exceptional.."to each his or her own opinions" :P

My preference goes in this exact order using the sites you've stated:

1. - the easiest and one of the fastest download sites around

2. - for the reviews written by the staff, I like how they put things into categories, but the download speeds from them are slow

3. - last resort only, the download speeds from them are slow, the way their categories are listed I don't like, and I always check their listings against Softpedia to find out if it's really adware or not

I generally use FileHippo for most downloads, CCleaner and Recuva included. If I've done a search for a particular download then softpedia my come up.

The main problem with FileHippo is the files are corrupted in some way. I've download 8 different versions of Nero of there and everyone downloads perfectly but when you run them to unpack them there are corrupted files in the set. Now I'm not blaming this directly to FileHippo because I've download the same files of with the same problems. ;)

filehippi is fast i downloaded google earth in 2 seconds.


I guess the hippi part is for those really into the hippo, eh? :lol:

filehippi is fast i downloaded google earth in 2 seconds.

I should think so its only 501KB. ;)

Other than getting source codes for programming languages and IDEs, the only place I really trust at the moment is Filehippo. I've never used Softpedia. Do they have any software that filehippo wouldn't have?

I actually always use filehippo too......There are a couple of freeware proggies that I use that aren't there which is a bummer, but otherwise it's the main place i go.............

You killed the ellipses D: