I'm using ccleaner fist of all for its fast uninstall menu. More frequent than I used it for cleaning anyway.
I think you guys should make the double click action (default) on CCleaner's uninstall list to actually proceed with the uninstall.
First of all, many of the windows users have associated the double click action with the default one (in this case - the uninstalling of some software).
Secondly, this CCleaner is damn fast (that's one thing i like about this tool), so I open it (BAM), I click "Tools" (BAM), and then I double click the item I'm fed up with, rename...? That's coitus interruptus if you ask me.
Instead, you should use a confirmation menu like "Proceed with the uninstall?", with the option of getting rid of it, ofc.
OOOOR you could make a "Double click default action" option in Settings, so all this can be avoided.
Thx and keep up the omg-this-is-great work.