Double browser listing


I have a question about the "Custom Clean" section of CCleaner.

It displays or lists 3 browsers, 2 of them appear to be the same browser "Microsoft Edge"; and Internet Explorer is also listed.

Why is Edge listed twice? I also have Firefox browser, but that is listed in the "Applications" section.

Screenshot (3).png

There is or maybe still is a doubling/duplication bug I reported years ago, don't know if they fixed it but it would list identical things twice on the left side where you select what to clean - if that's what you mean.

If you meant this, the two different Edge's listed are in fact two completely different browsers:

* Microsoft Edge - was the original that was included and baked into Win10 that Microsoft has disabled making it unusable.

* Edge Chromium - the new incarnation based upon the Chrome/Chromium code which is completely different.


As for Internet Explorer showing up you can disable it via Windows uninstall tool, and it "seems as if it was uninstalled" however it is not. Allot of stuff will require it's engine in the background, so it's not possible to actually uninstall it.

I have no problem with Internet Explorer being listed. I removed it shortly after the Windows 10 install because I thought I wouldn't need it. But, as it turns out, I did, because it was necessary for me for the install an old Adobe Photoshop program I have. I had to re-install it in order for the install to complete.

As pictured; Microsoft Edge and Edge Chromium are both listed by CCleaner. Does this mean I have 2 versions of the browser installed? I checked, and couldn't find any way to remove an old version. There is just one version listed in the add and remove programs section.

This is an old Vista laptop that I upgraded from the Windows 10 ISO that windows offered. I wasn't sure it would work from Vista to 10, but everything looks OK and is in good working order.

2 hours ago, dfPeddle said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		As pictured; <span style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#382e23;font-size:14px;">Microsoft Edge and <span> </span>Edge Chromium are both listed by CCleaner. <strong>Does this mean I have 2 versions of the browser installed? I checked, and couldn't find any way to remove an old version.</strong> There is just one version listed in the add and remove programs section. </span>

As Anadvari notes they are 2 completely different browsers, and they work in completely different ways.

It might have been better if Microsoft had called the new one a completely new name, but they didn't.

If you have a recent Windows 10 version then you should just have the 'Edge -Chromium' version installed and the OLD Edge should have been automatically removed from your machine by Microsoft.

However there are still some using older Windows 10 versions with the OLD Edge.

Some (particularly some business users) have re-enabled <em>OLD</em> Edge on new Windows 10 versions for compatibility with particular software, and so they have both old and new Edge browsers.

And for a while during the changeover most people had both Edge browsers on their machines, and could use whichever one they chose.

So because the old version of Edge is still in use by some people CCleaner still lists it, and still cleans it if it's there.

I suspect that in future that will change and CCleaner will do a check and only list <em>OLD</em> Edge if it is actually on the machine, but for now it just lists both.

One thing to try is to clean the old Edge called Microsoft Edge in CCleaner. If CCleaner never finds anything it means that Microsoft has deactivated it on your system and it's not being used or generating anything for CCleaner to clean. That's exactly what how it is on my system so I just ignore the listing of Microsoft Edge and have disabled/unticked those cleaners in CCleaner since it will never find anything to clean.

Edge Chromium on the other hand creates stuff for CCleaner to clean, even if you never open the browser since it has it's own auto-update process that always creates files.