DONT use registry cleaning in Win 10?


Microsoft supports are claiming that CCleaner registry cleaning should NOT be used in WIn 10.

They say not only doesn't the registry cleaning help much, but it can HARM the system?

I have tried to find any solid info from any Piriform source regarding registry cleaning and Windows 10.

Could any devs here answer if CCleaners Registry cleaning should NOT be used in Win 10? Or is it only Microsoft who dont want users to use tools?

The Microsoft support said that Windows 10 registry doesnt work the same way as previous Windows, and that using CCleaners registry cleaning can corrupt the system.

I have used CCleaner for 10 something years, and it has fixed my Windows registry more times then I can remember. However, when running it in Win 10, I HAVE gotten "weird" effects. Microsoft claims that Win 10 registry is "self-repairing", and tools like CCleaner is not meant for Win 10.

Can anyone advice? I am looking for Piriform staff/devs/links ONLY.

generally Devs and Admins hardly chime in unless requesting further info for bug fixes.

but otherwise, I concur with all that has been said.

reg cleaning is just not needed, add to that the ever moving goal posts that are Windows 10, and any reg cleaning via 3rd party software is a ticking time bomb.

If you judiciously do it (follow the advice in my signature below) it's still ok. But pay strict attention to my advice to only remove what you know is safe to remove.