Don't know programs CCleaners says installed

I ran CCleaner on my XP computer. The Analyzer sid 46MB temp files, but only 16MB deleted. The Issues were fixed. then gave me a list of all programs installed on my PC. I don't kow what half of them are. How do I find out, especially to find out if legitimate?CCCleanerinstall_log.txt


I ran CCleaner on my XP computer. The Analyzer sid 46MB temp files, but only 16MB deleted.

After you run the cleaner does analyze show anything left to be cleaned? It may have just analyzed incorrectly. If there is a significant amount uncleaned try runnng it in safe mode - keep tapping F8 when you turn on the PC and you will get a menu where you can select safe mode, use the arrow keys to select 'Safe mode', then press enter and the PC will boot in safe mode then just run CCleaner as usual

then gave me a list of all programs installed on my PC. I don't kow what half of them are. How do I find out, especially to find out if legitimate?CCCleanerinstall_log.txt

That is just the same as the 'Add/Remove programs' list with a few important extra programs that Windows hides to protect them. Its just an added extra to CCleaner, not something that has to be cleaned. (And I can't see anything in that list to worry about ;) ).

PS: Check the beginners guide if you need further info: CCleaner Beginners Guide

Could the ones not deleted first time round be in use temp files that will be deleted on reboot?

In Options, Advanced, there is an option 'Only delete files in Windows Temp folders older than 48 hours'; is it possible that you have checked that?

If you don't know what half of the software you have installed are, then you have a problem, heh. :)

Run CCleaner while Windows is in safe mode.

You have RealPlayer installed which is pretty useless, since almost no content is RealMedia, and it have been criticized and accused of spyware/adware, etc.