Don't know if this is a bug or a misuse by me

I ran ccleaner and since then the start menu does not remmeber what software i use more ofter then others...

Now, i realize that ccleaner erased all the memmory of used shorcuts before the cleanup but could it have diabled the option of having personalized menus ever again?


yes, the box is checked in the start menu options and have tried reset.

Open up CCleaner, click CCleanerButton-Cleaner.png, and make sure that the 'User Assist History' box under Advanced is unchecked.

Click Run Cleaner, and then restart your computer. Once Windows has booted up, start running programs like normal, and they should start to re-add themselves to your Start menu's list again.

Thanks a million, mate :)

Thanks a million, mate :)

Not a problem. Glad everything works. :D