I've not noticed anything different in my cokkies Vista Sp1 ie8
Lucky for you. I have Windows XP SP3.
XP could behave differently from Vista. Maybe all of us who have the same problem with Cookies are running XP?
This problem does not exist with IE 7, started only after I upgraded to IE 8. My second PC with the same Windows XP SP3 has not been upgraded to IE 8 and is fine.
I've noticed that IE8 stores cookies not only in the cookie folder, but in the Temporary Internet Files folder as well. When I use CCleaner it completely empties the TIS folder, including the cookies stored there. Could that perhaps be the reason why login cookies are erased?
I've noticed that IE8 stores cookies not only in the cookie folder, but in the Temporary Internet Files folder as well. When I use CCleaner it completely empties the TIS folder, including the cookies stored there. Could that perhaps be the reason why login cookies are erased?
You are correct.
I did a test on both my PCs just now.
As I mentioned before, one has IE 7 and the other IE 8.
On both PCs, the Cookies I placed showed up in the TIF folder. (Tools> Internet Options>General>Browsing History>Settings>View All Files)
On the one with IE 7, the Cookies placed in the "Cookies to keep" box remained in the TIF folder after running Ccleaner. Those were the only items left.
On the PC with IE 8, the Cookies placed in the "Cookies to keep" box were wiped out after Ccleaner was run. The TIF folder was totally empty.
Obviously the two versions of IE function differently. Ccleaner will need to catch up with IE 8 once it is no longer under development. It may take a while for IE 8 to be finalized.
In the meantime I don't know how to go around the problem? Tried to copy the Cookies to other folders but it did not work.
Not being an IE user of any version I can't really comment on what you say, other than I'm sure a lot of members will appreciate you taking the trouble to post your findings.
Not being an IE user of any version I can't really comment on what you say, other than I'm sure a lot of members will appreciate you taking the trouble to post your findings.
Interesting to say the least.
Thanks DenisD.
You just gave me an idea for solving my Cookies problem.
Your comments prompted me to download Firefox/Mozilla as my back-up browser. I have parked the few web sites where I want Cookies to remain there. Works perfectly. Ccleaner leaves the Cookies in place on Firefox/Mozilla.
Also I would have preferred to get back I.E. 7, which worked fine with the cookies, but I.E. 8 does not allow to go back to the previous version. Now with Firefox/Mozilla I can remove I.E. 8 first and then download I.E. 7, if I want to.