doesn't clean

My CCleaner never deletes the visited website history in IE or Firefox, every version I've ever had including the newest version doesn't remove visited web sites.

I had a shareware program awhile back that got the IE history, not sure of it's name now- .dat /index file cleaner- something like this >"It allows you to copy over and remove active files in Windows. You could use it to delete the index.dat and when you reboot, it will be re-created by IE."

Locked File Wizard

"It allows you to copy over and remove active files in Windows. You could use it to delete the index.dat and when you reboot, it will be re-created by IE."

CCleaner already does that ;)

I am having the same problem. I have run CCleaner several times and it doesn't empty the web addresses nor the google window. I have L_O_N_G lists at each "window" How do we empty these. Google used to have a menu that allowed deletion of all past queries. Any help out there??

Does any info here help with the google problem?

Does any info here help with the google problem?

Those instructions can't be followed, at least with the latest version of google toolbar in Firefox. There is no arrow to the right. There is an arrow to the lef and it is only to add more search engines.

Crap cleaner was deleting Google Toolbar's cache, queries fine I think until this last version of FF, 2.0.01. Now it doesn't clean it anymore. I have a ton of google search words, phrases showing up and I have no idea how to delete them. If wife sees them queries, she'll make me lap water out of the backyard ditch twice a day, for a month.

Please CC guys, fix this!

The Google toolbar isn't even listed in my CCleaner anymore. No surprise then that it doesn't clean it here either. Do you have the toolbar listed under CCleaners application tab?

Those instructions can't be followed, at least with the latest version of google toolbar in Firefox. There is no arrow to the right. There is an arrow to the lef and it is only to add more search engines.

It appears to be slightly different in the FF version, you click the Google button on the toolbar (the one that has the full word "Google" on it), then in the dropdown menu is the option to clear the search history.

The Google toolbar isn't even listed in my CCleaner anymore. No surprise then that it doesn't clean it here either. Do you have the toolbar listed under CCleaners application tab?

It appears to be slightly different in the FF version, you click the Google button on the toolbar (the one that has the full word "Google" on it), then in the dropdown menu is the option to clear the search history.

The Clear Search History in the drop down menu in FF 2.01 is greyed out. You can't clean the history.

The Clear Search History in the drop down menu in FF 2.01 is greyed out. You can't clean the history.

Sounds like theres something wrong with your toolbar then