If I check Wipe Free Space, is the free space AND ONLY the free space wiped?
If I check to wipe the C drive and the C contains the Windows folder, then is C wiped?
If I check to wipe the C and C is the drive with the boot files, then is C wiped?
The reason for the wording is the Microsoft, in their infinite wisdom, has named the drive with the \windows folder the BOOT drive and the drive with the boot files is named the SYSTEM drive. Even Mark Russonovitch finds this amusing, but true.
to summarize, is free space wiped without wiping anything else? Is this true regardless of the drive selected?
With Piriform can i destroy myself, that is Can I wipe the C even if the C is the "boot" drive (the one with the windows folder),
With piriform can I make my system unbootable by wiping the "system" drive which is the one with the boot files, the mbr.