I keep losing the "saved cookies". Is this because I've downloaded and installed a newer version of CCleaner? How can I avoid losing them? Not much point in saving them if they have to be resaved every time a change is made to the version.
I've never lost saved cookies (or any setting) on update, and I've updated many times on ME and XP. I don't have save settings to ini file ticked. Unfortunately I don't know why you are losing yours.
Welcome to Piriforum flydonna.
I've used about 10 different versions of CCleaner and it only deletes to ones I don't save in the Cookies to Save listbox, I save about 80 regular cookies. Are you adding your cookies to the Cookies to Save listbox?
Welcome to Piriforum flydonna.
I've used about 10 different versions of CCleaner and it only deletes to ones I don't save in the Cookies to Save listbox, I save about 80 regular cookies. Are you adding your cookies to the Cookies to Save listbox?
Yes I am saving the cookies, that's why I'm so confused as to why they are all of sudden being deleted. Could it be because this is VISTA? I never had problems on XP. Is there a way to save them to a file so that I could at least reinstate them by copying the file into the newer version?
Yes I am saving the cookies, that's why I'm so confused as to why they are all of sudden being deleted. Could it be because this is VISTA? I never had problems on XP. Is there a way to save them to a file so that I could at least reinstate them by copying the file into the newer version?
Hi flydonna,
Did you lose the Cookies from your cookies folder or from CCleaner list of Cookies to save.
If the latter,then I advise you to get all your options set and Cookies to save entered into CCleaner.
Then go to C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder and Copy the CCleaner.ini file to somewhere.
This way if you uninstall CCleaner and install again you can copy your saved CCleaner.ini file back again.
Please note that the actual CCleaner.ini file name begins with two small cc characters.The forum editor program insists on changing (cc)leaner.ini to CCleaner.ini .
If you install the new copy of CCleaner over the old copy then your original CCleaner.ini file will remain.
If you uninstall CCleaner you will lose the original CCleaner.ini and a new one will be created when you install the new CCleaner program.Keep a backup copy for this reason.
I hate having to recreate one also.
If you have more than one user,then you all share the same CCleaner.ini file.
If you turn off this option then all your settings will be in the Registry and will be removed if you unistall CCleaner.
Maybe in the future they will have a CCleaner.ini file for each user.
Understand? I hope I make this subject a little clearer than mud.
P.S. If you become a "geek" then you can have a CCleaner for each user.I do but I won't go there.
Could it be because this is VISTA? I never had problems on XP.
There have been loads of problems with Vista. They took a long time to bring out SP1 and there appear to be loads of bugs in that.
Next to WinME I think Vista is the worst OS M$ have made. If your happy then who cares.
If you want to have a browse through a forum that deals with Windows problems then have a read here.
Did you lose the Cookies from your cookies folder or from CCleaner list of Cookies to save.
If you install the new copy of CCleaner over the old copy then your original CCleaner.ini file will remain.
Keep a backup copy for this reason.
The save CCleaner.ini advice only applies - I assume - if you have the save settings to ini file option chosen. I don't, and don't have a CCleaner.ini file, and don't lose my settings.
The save CCleaner.ini advice only applies - I assume - if you have the save settings to ini file option chosen. I don't, and don't have a CCleaner.ini file, and don't lose my settings.
No I don't use CCleaner.ini either. It doesn't really made much difference. If you use the registry by default then the info is saved to the registry. If you use Save all settings to INI file in Options\Advanced then it saves them to CCleaner.ini and removes all settings from the registry and visa versa. The slight advantage is you can save the CCleaner.ini to a floppy if you have one or flash drive. If you reinstall on another computer then you just put back CCleaner.ini in the CCleaner folder.
I think CCleaner looks for CCleaner.ini when it starts up. If its there then it uses the settings in there. If it isn't then it uses the registry. I save my registry settings to a reg file.
I still don't think this is going to help flydonna where the settings are saved.
No I don't use CCleaner.ini either. It doesn't really made much difference. If you use the registry by default then the info is saved to the registry. If you use Save all settings to INI file in Options\Advanced then it saves them to CCleaner.ini and removes all settings from the registry and visa versa. The slight advantage is you can save the CCleaner.ini to a floppy if you have one or flash drive. If you reinstall on another computer then you just put back CCleaner.ini in the CCleaner folder.
I think CCleaner looks for CCleaner.ini when it starts up. If its there then it uses the settings in there. If it isn't then it uses the registry. I save my registry settings to a reg file.
I still don't think this is going to help flydonna where the settings are saved.
I didn't have an ini file but after reading what you have all said, I created one and will try that. You also mentioned that the "registry" would have the entries. I'm wondering if RegCure (my registry cleaner) is deleting the entries from the registry. I didn't know for a long time that CCleaner always had a registry cleaner, but RegCure finds a lot more entries to delete so I've kept using it.
I'm wondering if RegCure (my registry cleaner) is deleting the entries from the registry.
More details coming out now.
I didn't have an ini file but after reading what you have all said, I created one and will try that. You also mentioned that the "registry" would have the entries. I'm wondering if RegCure (my registry cleaner) is deleting the entries from the registry. I didn't know for a long time that CCleaner always had a registry cleaner, but RegCure finds a lot more entries to delete so I've kept using it.
Hi flydonna,
If you are using the latest version CCleaner v2.07 it comes as a default to save to INI file.
I use Win XP and I know the prior versions did not come with this as a default so you may never have had an .ini file unless you turned it on..
The ini file settings take precedence over what is in the registry and what options are in the program itself.
I don't understand why the others say they have never lost their settings.They must have never uninstalled CCleaner.Either that or their version of Windows makes CCleaner uninstall work differently.
Not sure why RegCure would do that but CCleaner Registry cleaner only reports what it thinks is safe to clean.Many registry cleaners cause more problems than they should.Don't be fooled by the numbers either.
I don't understand why the others say they have never lost their settings.They must have never uninstalled CCleaner.Either that or their version of Windows makes CCleaner uninstall work differently.
I always overwrite the CCleaner and Recuva installation that way you don't loose your settings especially if you don't use the ini file option.
I think they should highlight this point on CCeaner and Recuva sites. They do say this in their FAQ
Thanks to all of you for your input. This isn't a major problem, just an inconvenience. I have used CCleaner for years and love it. I have always overwritten the previous version - which I thought was a GREAT way to handle updates. I never had this problem before on either of my desktops both running XP. Seems to be just my laptop with VISTA. I haven't changed any settings (until now when I created the ini file) so all computers were set up the same way. I know I mentioned that RegCure might have something to do with it, but then I got thinking......I have RegCure on my other computers too and haven't had any problems. So it is a "computer mystery" - one of many in this world. Now that I'm aware that I've lost saved cookies I will try to watch it and see if I can pinpoint what is happening. If I find the reason it's happening, I will post back to this forum to let you know.
If you are using the latest version CCleaner v2.07 it comes as a default to save to INI file.
Does it? Perhaps on a fresh install (I wouldn't know) but not on an update. Well, not in my experience!
Does it? Perhaps on a fresh install (I wouldn't know) but not on an update. Well, not in my experience!
I use WinXP and Save settings to INI fileit comes that way whether a fresh install or install over prior version.As a matter of fact it comes turned on and greyed out.It can't be changed.
Are we talking about the same thing? I am on XP on CC 2.07.575 and in Options/Advanced the Save settings to ini file box is available and unticked. Cheers.
Are we talking about the same thing? I am on XP on CC 2.07.575 and in Options/Advanced the Save settings to ini file box is available and unticked. Cheers.
Cheers Augeas,
Almost lost this thread but I was reminded when downloading CCleaner for the Umpteenth testing time for various reasons.
Some times this helps in solving a members problem or resolution.However,I can lose track of what version is what build etc.
My only difference is that I was looking at a copy of the portable build at the time.The grayed out key was the tip-off.
All depends on which build.