Does this disgust you as much as it does me?

I really can't put in words how much the Chinese government's actions at the Olympics disgusts me. Their BS started during the torch run but this episode with the little girl singing the anthem at the opening ceremony takes the rice cake as far as I am concerned.

Every Chinese person I have had the pleasure of meeting has been great. They are friendly, genuine, non offensive and I don't regret meeting a single one of them. They are in general very nice people. Surprising considering the garbage they have as government. Please Chinese citizens do yourselves and the world a favour and carry out the long over due extermination of your government.

As far as I am concerned the world sold out the citizens of China. Awarding the Olympics to China was a mistake and supporting the games was a bigger mistake. It is legitimizing a government that needs to be destroyed.

Yeah thats a terrible thing to do to a little child. :(

The original girl who actually sang the song had buck teeth. Oh the humanity!

I really can't put in words how much the Chinese government's actions at the Olympics disgusts me. Their BS started during the torch run but this episode with the little girl singing the anthem at the opening ceremony takes the rice cake as far as I am concerned.

Every Chinese person I have had the pleasure of meeting has been great. They are friendly, genuine, non offensive and I don't regret meeting a single one of them. They are in general very nice people. Surprising considering the garbage they have as government. Please Chinese citizens do yourselves and the world a favour and carry out the long over due extermination of your government.

As far as I am concerned the world sold out the citizens of China. Awarding the Olympics to China was a mistake and supporting the games was a bigger mistake. It is legitimizing a government that needs to be destroyed.

I have to agree with you Anthony that awarding the games to Beijing was a mistake. The episode of the little singing girl is appalling and will, I'm sure , backfire on the Chinese.

Everyone knows this is unacceptable and they will be held up to ridicule.