Sorry for my English , I am Italian. I have Recuva free 1.50.103. Scanning was quick and files recovered. I decided to securely delete a part of them, so I clicked secure overwrite and the green circle in the File Name changed regularly into red,, I maintained default options action ” show securely overwritten files”

Then I closed and restarted to check if all was ok . I thought to see secured files with the red circle but they were all still green as nothing was done


State Excellent , no overwritten clusters detected, no preview available, info all indicated,

header 000

I effected the scanning again unchecking “ show securely overwritten files” thinking that secured files would not be showed , but they were

Is it correct or something does not work ? Thanks in advance

. . . they were all still green as nothing was done.

Ciao. Can you actually open and see/use the contents of the files?

This is normal behaviour. Recuva 'knows' that it has overwritten a file whilst it is still open, but when it is restarted there is no way to tell that the file data has previously been overwritten, so the state goes back to excellent (no overwritten clusters).

The file name will continue to be shown, as that can't be overwritten by Recuva.

Zeroes in the header indicate that the file data has been overwritten with er, zeroes.

Thank you for your quick answer, now all clear