Hi I’m new to using Recuva so I want to ask a few questions ,does or can the software recover the exact folder and the location of the files that was deleted?also can it recover iso and other files or just jpg and videos?and can I recover it to the drive that the files were originally deleted?
lastly I formated another hdd to fat32 and for some reason it glitch my drive that had all my memories in it and made it into the same format and size as the other format so i had to format the drive to ntfs again so can it recover the files that were in it before it format itself to fat32?
Hope someone can help me because the folders and files the were in that drive is very important to me because I has a lot of memories in it and before this happened I bought a new drive and copied all those memories in the new hdd and formated the old one to fat32 and I have no backup hdd and I didn’t use the old one as backup because it’s only 256gb but I made sure I copied all of it safely but for some reason the fat32 one corrupted it…
1- Recuva can attempt to recover the Directory structure, it may or may not be sucessful.
2- Recuva can recover all file types, including system files.
If you try to recover files back to the drive they have been lost from then you will almost certainly be overwriting the files that you are trying to recover - so will no longer be able to recover them.
Do not write anything to the drive that you want to recover from at all. The only thing you should be doing with that drive is recovering what files you can from it, once you have done that then you can start using it normally again.
If it is your main computer drive then stop using that computer, take the drive out, and do the recovery using a different computer.
If you do not have any spare drives to hand then you will need to buy, or borrow, a drive large enough to hold the recovered files.
4- Recovering files from a reformatted drive can be done, but it needs to be done in a particular way. (TBH I’ve never tried it with a drive that has been reformatted twice, but it should still be possible).
For how to recover files from a reformatted drive read this, and I suggest that you watch the video that is linked there too:
Thanks for replying,but what does non deleted file recovery mean and do?is it for an existing file that’s in the drive that’s corrupted and not formatted or is it for files that’s wasn’t deleted but the drive was formatted instead ?
I’m doing a deep scan right now and I didn’t check the non deleted files recovery option but i did check the struture folder option and it has found 80557 files with stage 1 of 3 and 20% progress (it’s a 512gb hdd and it had 200 something gb files in it) so does it mean it found the files that were in the drive that was formatted? And will it put the files in the exact same folder as it was before with numbers?can I recover the folder or can I only recover the files?
Also once stage 1 is done,what will stage 2 and 3 do and how long would it usually take?
It does exactly what it says and finds the non-deleted files on a crashed/reformatted drive.
The files that have not been ‘deleted’ but just lost by the crash/reformat.
If you have not selected the non-deleted option then Recuva will be scanning the drive for all the files that had ever been on it and been deleted.
It will not find any of the files that hadn’t been deleted- it is looking only for files that had been deleted.
If you want to find the files that were still seen on the drive before it crashed then you have to select a search for non-deleted files, if you don’t then a scan will not find them.
Also Once it finishes the scan that I’m doing right now will it put the recovered files in the exact same folder/ location as it was before?and if so,will it be without the original folder name or only the files will be name in numbers?will it also do it with the non deleted ones?
can I recover the folders or can I only recover the files?
Also once stage 1 is done,what will stage 2 and 3 do and how long would it usually take?
I think we may have a language/translation problem here,
I’m not sure how many ways there are to say it -
If you scan for non-deleted files then the scan will find non-deleted files and nothing else.
If you use a ‘standard’ scan then it will find files that had been deleted and nothing else.
Recuva can try to restore the directory structure - if you specify that option - but it may not always be successful.
Sometimes the information needed to restore the folders just isn’t there anymore.
How long a scan will take depends on the size of the drive, the computer being used to do the scan, the speed of the connection the drive is attached to, etc. etc.
How long a recovery will take depends on those facors and also on how many files have been found to recover.
Recuva can judge how long things are taking and tell you it’s ‘best guess’ how much longer it will take, but being honest it is only a guess and could take less or take longer.
You appear to have used a standard scan so that will only find deleted files - it will not find the non-deleted files that were on your reformatted drive.
If the non-deleted files are what you want to recover then you will have to scan again this time specifying to look for non-deleted files.
PS I have removed your duplicate posts from that other thread, there is no need to make a post more than once.
Sorry English is not my first language so I’m trying to really understand how it works because the files that I want to recover is very important to me and I really want to recover everything exactly how it was
the path shows all the folders name (ex. E:?\my childhood\memories) and all the name of the files so if I recover all of it will it make the same folder path for all of them or is the path just shows where it was before it was deleted and will the files be recovered with its name or in numbers? (I wanted to show a picture of it but It won’t let me)
I can’t recover yet because I’m waiting for the new hdd to arrive so I really want to know in advance if it’s possible to recover with the folders
If the scan results are showing a folder pathmane then it should be able to recover to that path.
Note though that recovering non-deleted files will not recover the filename, the names have been lost because of the reformat - Instead each recovered file will be given a number.
Once recovered you can of course rename them.
PS. To add images (or any other file) to a post you can either:
Just drag and drop the file from your desktop or from File Explorer into the editor.
Copy/paste the file into the editor
Use the upload button at the top of the editor and browse to the file that you want to insert.
does the naming to numbers apply to non deleted files only or both deleted and non deleted?
PS. Im using chrome on Android and when I try to attach a photo it says an error occured “sorry,you can’t embed media items on a post”
I’ve tried both no.2 and 3 and it said the same thing
Also since It has finished scanning can I now hibernate my PC or do I still have to leave it on?
Ps. if I leave my PC on and not hibernate/sleep for 2-3 days but its idling/on idle not doing anything except showing the scan result Will my electric bills be high or would it just go up a little like any other appliances?
If you sleep/hibernate/shutdown (or unplug the drive) then the scan results will be lost and you will then have to scan again.
That’s because Recuva has no way of knowing after a disconnect if it’s the same drive that it had previously scanned or not, so needs to scan the drive that is there to be sure.
However I thought that you had done the wrong kind of scan anyway, because you say you want the non-deleted files but hadn’t set that option?
I see, good thing I didn’t turn hibernate on again and instead wait for you to reply
Im not sure, non deleted files means files that were in it gone because drive been formatted and not deleted right?
I think scanning for deleted files is right because what happened was the ntfs drive(512gb) that had my memories was corrupted by another drive that’s fat32 (256gb) so both became fat32 and it made the drive that was originally ntfs allocation the same as fat32 (from 512gb to 256gb) and folders in it also as the corrupted fat32 so if I scanned for non deleted files then It would maybe scan the same files thats on the fat32 format drive and I don’t want that
And the results right now is showing “everything” that was lost so maybe it is correct?well my plan is to try scan for both deleted and non deleted anyways and see the results because I want to try recover everything that was in the drive
Anyways,thanks for answering my questions. I know it may be kinda annoying reading it but I just really wanted to know if it will create and name the folders exactly like it was before and I wanted to make sure I understood everything so that I don’t mess up and lose everything
PS. Im currently recovering everything to a new drive so I have to see if it’ll make the lost folders but after that if I have another questions to ask, I’ll ask you and if it is resolved then I’ll tell you so please don’t close this post yet,thanks
When a you delete a file a ‘deleted flag’ is added to that files data to say that it has been deleted and Windows can use the space that file previously took up and save something else there.
If a file has not been deleted but has been lost in some other way, such as by a reformat, then it will not have that ‘deleted flag’.
Recuva normally looks for those ‘deleted flags’ so that what it recovers is files that have been deleted and have that flag.
However with a reformatted drive you are usually wanting to recover the files that were still on it at the time of reformatting, not those files that had previously been deleted from it.
Those files don’t have that ‘deleted flag’ - because they have not been deleted they have been lost by the reformat. ie They are non-deleted files.
Which is why you have to use that Advanced way of using Recuva and tell it to only look for files that don’t have the flag rather than looking for files that do have the flag.
If you run a normal scan on a reformatted drive it will only find the files that had previously been deleted from it. So that is what you are recovering now - old files that you had at some time deleted from the drive. But those are not the files that you want, you want the files that were still on it and hadn’t been deleted but had been lost in the reformat.
You need to scan again - this time for the non-deleted files.
I see,I did a scan for non deleted files but the results are the same as I scan the first time as in I scanned both and the results shows the same files for both all that I lost
I made sure i check the non deleted files and even double check the results to see if there’s something new that I might missed and I also cross check the files that I recovered from the first scan but it looks like the first scan already recoverd the important files that I wanted even the folders
So now I’m confused…the only thing new I see are some windows files
The 2nd results did show that the files are 414gb (I didn’t look at the first scan) but that drive originally had only 246gb files on it and also the results shows most files are recoverable and the few unrecoverable files are mostly windows type files and some iso but for the .iso And other windows files it did recover it on the first scan I did when I recovered everything so I don’t understand,is it recoverable or not and why does it say unrecoverable?
Maybe because it’s been formatted twice?like the fat32 drive corrupted it and format the drive first then I reformat it so it’s been reformatted twice,
Okay Now I’m even more confused cuz I myself don’t even understand what happened to the drive
Either way,I think I recovered all the important files included with its folder and even tested a few to make sure I can actually play and open the files
So thank you so much for answering and even explaining to all my dumb questions
PS.i just tried scanning for non deleted files on my 1gb pendrive to test it and the results shows the files that is still in it as “not deleted” but the hdd that I scanned all files showed “recoverable” and non of them showed “not deleted” so what does that mean?
What you are seeing with the results could well be something to do with the fact that the drive had been reformatted twice?
I’m afraid that I don’t know for sure, two reformats one after the other, and to different formats each time, is not something that we would normally come aross.
That’s the good news, if you now have the files recovered as you wanted then that’s really all that matters.
Make a backup of them (if they are important files then preferably more than one backup on different drives).
If something were to happen to them again then it’s much easier (and quicker) to have backups available than it is to try file recovery.