Does ccleaner work with win98?

This might be a stupid question, but I didn't find answer from the main page, so let it be... So, does Ccleaner work in windows 98 SE-based computer? Our other computer crashes so often that I really liked to run this great programm in it. :P

Thank you!

Yes, CCleaner does work on Windows 98.

Yep, thanks. :D

it definately works on Win98 Systems, but not effectively,

you need individual adaptation on certain standard Win-Programs and I-Net-Cache-folders.


I realise this is an old thread hense the question - is the current version capable of running under win98.

I've tried running it but it gives me somekind of vb error.

Is there a copy of a version which does run without having to install vb.

I have two basic 98 machines which I would like to put thru CCleaner.


I realise this is an old thread hense the question - is the current version capable of running under win98.

I've tried running it but it gives me somekind of vb error.

Is there a copy of a version which does run without having to install vb.

I have two basic 98 machines which I would like to put thru CCleaner.


CCleaner should work fine under Win98!

You however must have the Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Files installed in order to use CCleaner, or any other app written in VB!

Thanks Matavari, for the quick reply. Can you and would you suggest a place I can download the minimal of the vb runtime. Thanks

Thanks Matavari, for the quick reply. Can you and would you suggest a place I can download the minimal of the vb runtime. Thanks

Click the link in Andavaris post.

Sorry about that - not only did I get your name wrong but also failed to see the link.

JC bows head and heads for the corner.


Thanks. Everything worked out well.