Does CCleaner Pro work the same with SSD?

Dear Friends:

Last night I migrated everything from my primary HDD over to a Samsung 840 EVO 1TB SSD. I know that must never attempt defragging an SSD and just use TRIM. However, I don't want to use CCleaner Pro willy-nilly without first knowing that it's okay to do so since my migration to SSD. Thank you.

Yes, you can use CC Pro on an SSD, although I would be wary of using secure delete and wipe free space unless you have a specific reason for doing so.

As you are using CC Pro you should be putting these questions to your support manager, not using the forums.

By "should" my fellow moderator means "you would find yourself better served by contacting support, than asking the non-professionals here in the forum" ;)

I tried contacting Piriform's support but it was frustrating and that's why I ended up here. I'll try again. Thank you.