Does CCleaner allow trusted sites?

If I use CCleaner my online banking security details are lost from the registry because they use ActiveX.

Is there a way around this - for example to exclude my bank site from the Clean?

Many thanks

Stuart Reed

Isnt it good that they get removed?

That way they are not stored on the disk and cant be readable by any possible spyware/trojan you have or might get? ;)

I'm with Eldmannen on this issue because of malware that sends info back to its author. Although I realize it's probably annoying as hell to re-enter the info each and everytime it's better safe than sorry.

Are you sure its activex that is storing the info and not cookies?

Are you sure its activex that is storing the info and not cookies?

Sounds more likely, part of my bank login is stored as a cookie. I would suggest going into CCleaner, click options>cookies, select the cookie with your bank name in it and click the > arrow to move it to the 'Cookies to keep' box.