I'm suprised at you lot, I may be new to this site, but I do know the viscious and nasty flash is the main reason adobe is buying macromedia.
Flash is the predominant user interface for media on the internet. Go to a movie advertisment site, fox, sony pictures et all. and Flash along with Quicktime/Real is a required componant.
As said before on car companies websites, flash is the only reason you can see high definintion interactive vehicles.
In this age of highspeed broadband, rich user interfaces and rapid website development flash is the one tool that gives you it all.
And it has always been an integral part of the net.
Macromedia, and only macromedia supply the free player and other companies along with macromedia develop the software to design the interfaces.
Sorry who was macromedia again?
Have they been alive for 106 quaters? - Yes
Did they turn over USD$116million last quater? - Yes
Yes, it has been known for flash to carry Malware, but flash is a specialised for pure webdesign (e.g. not many script kiddie c**ts know it), and compared to other platforms has only a very few instances of virus intrusion.
The only reason it requires Active X controls is the messed up way IE work's, Other browsers don't need them (mm-mm, firefox)
It doesn't show anything on your computer because after years of people trying to get it out of the status bar, macromedia did something about it and hid it completely.
I am truly suprised that the person who started this is an advanced member, and has never have encountered Flash before. Maybe because it's sometimes installed as standard with windows.
By the way, Flash downloads incorporate some shockwave componants so for most of the time you won't need it, if you do, a website will direct you on how to get it, also a macromedia componant.
II really am suprised. It's almost similar to saying 'do I need a browser to view webpages'
No I don't work for either macromedia or Adobe, yes I do create flash animations and games.
Sufice to say if it doesn't say macromedia flash on the box it's not in it.
By the way the updates rewite over the top of old.
Adobe to buy macromedia for USD3.4billion - Cnet news.com
Just a quick note. If my computer gets infected, I clean it e.g CCleaner, or format-reinstal it.
Theres nothing on my computer that I couldn't leave, even if I didn't take my external harddisk with me. Don't be so anal about keeping you comp clean, once a week have a tidy up.
If you need the comp for work, keep it for work, and don't go digging in the depths of muck in the internet.