Do we need Flash Player?

Hey folks,

1. Just had to reformat and reinstall Windows XP and somehow one thing that did not get reinstalled was Marcomedia Flash Player. Do I really need it? Of all the sites that I normally surf only one has given me an error from time to time and said that I need it. I don't want to install anything that is really not needed.

2. Is it "spyware", "adware" I read somewhere that all it is good for is lots of popups and banner ads on the net.

3. If I need it is there more than one "brand" or just macromedia? I am using IE. (I know you are going to tell me to get Firefox ;) )

4. What is the difference between "Shock Wave player" & "Flash Player" and do I need both.

Thanks for any help on the subject.

Have a good day,


I use both for viewing media on the net, it helps to have them in my opinion.

Hey folks,

2. Is it "spyware", "adware" I read somewhere that all it is good for is lots of popups and banner ads on the net.

It's neither spyware or adware. However that doesn't mean that someone couldn't abuse it by using it for propogating malware.

3. If I need it is there more than one "brand" or just macromedia? I am using IE. (I know you are going to tell me to get Firefox? ;) )

Macromedia is the only "brand", they develope, own, and maintain Flash.

You'll quickly find that just about all automobile manufacturers use it on their sites, so much so that if you want to visit an auto manufacturer site you'll most likely have to have Flash Player installed. I personally disable it, and if I stumble upon a site that requires it I enable it.

Edit: So to summarize your topic title "Do we need Flash Player?" I'd have to say yes.

It's neither spyware or adware. However that doesn't mean that someone couldn't abuse it by using it for propogating malware.

Macromedia is the only "brand", they develope, own, and maintain Flash.

You'll quickly find that just about all automobile manufacturers use it on their sites, so much so that if you want to visit an auto manufacturer site you'll most likely have to have Flash Player installed. I personally disable it, and if I stumble upon a site that requires it I enable it.

Edit: So to summarize your topic title "Do we need Flash Player?" I'd have to say yes.

Thanks to both of you, I have installed, but how do you disable it? I can't find it listed anywhere.

Thanks again,


but how do you disable it

Disabling it with IE won't work. Here we go; get Firefox, Mozilla Suite, or Opera, with those browsers it's easy to disable.

Disabling it with IE won't work. Here we go; get Firefox, Mozilla Suite, or Opera, with those browsers it's easy to disable.

:D I should have known that was coming :lol:



I forgot to mention that some commercial programs also require it, as do some audio CDs that have music videos.

Thanks to both of you, I have installed, but how do you disable it? I can't find it listed anywhere.

I assume you have SpywareBlaster installed. It prevents the installation of ActiveX-based spyware, adware, browser hijackers, dialers, and other potentially unwanted software. It blocks spyware/tracking cookies in Internet Explorer and Mozilla/Firefox. Restricts the actions of potentially unwanted sites in Internet Explorer.

Additionaly under: tools > flashkiller > check the "disable and block macromedia flash in Internet Explorer"

You can uncheck the box whenever it is needed and then recheck when done.

Also when flash is installed be sure to set the Local Storage Settings to 0. I know that CCleaner used to delete the preferences set for Macromedia Flash. I do not know if that is still the case. If so, uncheck the macromedia checkbox when running CCleaner.

I assume you have SpywareBlaster installed. It prevents the installation of ActiveX-based spyware, adware, browser hijackers, dialers, and other potentially unwanted software. It blocks spyware/tracking cookies in Internet Explorer and Mozilla/Firefox. Restricts the actions of potentially unwanted sites in Internet Explorer.

Additionaly under: tools > flashkiller > check the "disable and block macromedia flash in Internet Explorer"

You can uncheck the box whenever it is needed and then recheck when done.

Also when flash is installed be sure to set the Local Storage Settings to 0. I know that CCleaner used to delete the preferences set for Macromedia Flash. I do not know if that is still the case. If so, uncheck the macromedia checkbox when running CCleaner.


Thanks a lot for those notes!!! I had installed MacroMedia, but was a little concerned & when you posted I went to SpyWareBlaster and found the "flash killer" that is great, thanks for the advice. I will leave it "killed" until I see a site where I just have to have it. Thanks again!!!

Have a good day,


1. One thing I am not comfortable with MacroMedia is that I have not yet found a place to download it, MacroMedia wants it installed from their site.

2. I cannot find a way to uninstall it is I want to as it is not listed in the files "Add - Delete" in Windows.

3. You can not change settings on MacroMedia Flash except from their site.

If I could solve these 3 I would feel a little better.

Thanks all & have a good day,


I did find the following to download, but is it the same as MacroMedia Flash Player? It's file name is "MacroMedia FlashPlayer 7 winax English.exe" but when I clicked on the file to install it said something about installing an "active x", I am sorry to be so stupid, but is this the one and same thing as "Flash Player"? Is Flash Player in reality an "active x" component?

Sorry to bug you all so much,


I did find the following to download, but is it the same as MacroMedia Flash Player? It's file name is "MacroMedia FlashPlayer 7 winax English.exe" but when I clicked on the file to install it said something about installing an "active x", I am sorry to be so stupid, but is this the one and same thing as "Flash Player"? Is Flash Player in reality an "active x" component?

Be careful with what you download and from where. I honestly feel that the macromedia flash program is fine once you edit the preferences to make it not store any data, set it up to never access your webcam or mic, and use spywareblaster.

Additionaly under:? tools > flashkiller > check the "disable and block macromedia flash in Internet Explorer"

You can uncheck the box whenever it is needed and then recheck when done.

Good info. I check for a SpywareBlaster update everyday yet I completely forget about it's Tools section.

1. One thing I am not comfortable with MacroMedia is that I have not yet found a place to download it, MacroMedia wants it installed from their site.

2. I cannot find a way to uninstall it is I want to as it is not listed in the files "Add - Delete" in Windows.

3. You can not change settings on MacroMedia Flash except from their site.

If I could solve these 3 I would feel a little better.

Thanks all & have a good day,


1. Only download Flash Player from, you may need to invoke the installation by visiting Macromedia's trigger page: or by visiting a website that requires flash such as the automobile manufacturer Ford: For Firefox, Mozilla Suite, and Opera you can download it at:

2. I used to know how to uninstall it many years ago, however I deleted the script. The only thing that's really necessary in making sure you're getting a "clean install" when installing a new version is to delete "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\Macromed" followed by a reboot, and then install the new version. This will allow you to only have the most recent version installed.

3. The settings can be changed when you're visiting a flash enabled site, just right click mouse click when you're at such a site to change the various settings, etc.

Good info. I check for a SpywareBlaster update everyday yet I completely forget about it's Tools section.

1. Only download Flash Player from, you may need to invoke the installation by visiting Macromedia's trigger page: or by visiting a website that requires flash such as the automobile manufacturer Ford: For Firefox, Mozilla Suite, and Opera you can download it at:

2. I used to know how to uninstall it many years ago, however I deleted the script. The only thing that's really necessary in making sure you're getting a "clean install" when installing a new version is to delete "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\Macromed" followed by a reboot, and then install the new version. This will allow you to only have the most recent version installed.

3. The settings can be changed when you're visiting a flash enabled site, just right click mouse click when you're at such a site to change the various settings, etc.


Thanks for the information. You do not know of an installation file that can be used to install "FlashPlayer" once downloaded? I feel a little threatened, not seeing what is being installed.

I did finally find what is called an "uninstaller" on their site, here is the url:

Thanks for all the help,


You do not know of an installation file that can be used to install "FlashPlayer" once downloaded?

For Internet Explorer I know of none since the installation requires Active X, whereas with other browsers an actual setup file is needed therefore one is provided.

It can be automatically updated by running (note: the updater may take several minutes to display a dialog):


I did finally find what is called an "uninstaller" on their site, here is the url:

Thank you, that'll stop me from having to manually remove it in order to get a clean install when a new version is released. I'm too lazy to make another home-made script to remove it.


I'm suprised at you lot, I may be new to this site, but I do know the viscious and nasty flash is the main reason adobe is buying macromedia.

Flash is the predominant user interface for media on the internet. Go to a movie advertisment site, fox, sony pictures et all. and Flash along with Quicktime/Real is a required componant.

As said before on car companies websites, flash is the only reason you can see high definintion interactive vehicles.

In this age of highspeed broadband, rich user interfaces and rapid website development flash is the one tool that gives you it all.

And it has always been an integral part of the net.

Macromedia, and only macromedia supply the free player and other companies along with macromedia develop the software to design the interfaces.

Sorry who was macromedia again?

Have they been alive for 106 quaters? - Yes

Did they turn over USD$116million last quater? - Yes

Yes, it has been known for flash to carry Malware, but flash is a specialised for pure webdesign (e.g. not many script kiddie c**ts know it), and compared to other platforms has only a very few instances of virus intrusion.

The only reason it requires Active X controls is the messed up way IE work's, Other browsers don't need them (mm-mm, firefox)

It doesn't show anything on your computer because after years of people trying to get it out of the status bar, macromedia did something about it and hid it completely.

I am truly suprised that the person who started this is an advanced member, and has never have encountered Flash before. Maybe because it's sometimes installed as standard with windows.

By the way, Flash downloads incorporate some shockwave componants so for most of the time you won't need it, if you do, a website will direct you on how to get it, also a macromedia componant.

II really am suprised. It's almost similar to saying 'do I need a browser to view webpages'

No I don't work for either macromedia or Adobe, yes I do create flash animations and games.

Sufice to say if it doesn't say macromedia flash on the box it's not in it.

By the way the updates rewite over the top of old.

Adobe to buy macromedia for USD3.4billion - Cnet

Just a quick note. If my computer gets infected, I clean it e.g CCleaner, or format-reinstal it.

Theres nothing on my computer that I couldn't leave, even if I didn't take my external harddisk with me. Don't be so anal about keeping you comp clean, once a week have a tidy up.

If you need the comp for work, keep it for work, and don't go digging in the depths of muck in the internet.

Do we need flash player?

Of course we do. But having the option to disable it under some circumstances is a good thing. Try go to the Thermaltake home site and you'll see what I mean. Wait for the flash to come and watch the cpu fly !!!

If you're using Firefox, you can install No Script extension and have total control of your browsing (disable Java, Flash, as well as forbid other plug-ins).

If you are afraid of the Flash ActiveX, you can easily disable it through Internet Options. And then use Firefox.

Try it out.