Do not install Google Chrome on installation

Hi all,

I've never liked your software - I've heard how it ruins PC's and screws them all up.

Then I heard one of my fellow techs install your software and thought I would give your software another shot.

Nope, I remember why I did not like it. You install Google Chrome without a check in the custom software to NOT install SPYWARE Chrome?

Thanks. Now I'm stuck with fixing with what Spyware Chrome did.

I've uninstalled both packages - still have chrome:// XML errors.

I tried to system restore - same issue.

XML Parsing Error: undefined entity

Location: chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/unknownContentType.xul

Line Number 27, Column 29:    <description id="intro">&intro2.label;</description>



Any intelligent tech will never use your software again.

My suggestion -


Have a good day.

All you had to do was use portable or install Slim version. Also, what do you mean by Spyware Chrome?

You already answered your own question sir.

I wish the slim or portable versions were easily available or shown on the website.

The custom installation should still have an option to not install Google/spyware Chrome, after being pushed to the free version after three website clicks.

Just my two cents.

12 minutes ago, scott31337 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix">


		I wish the slim or portable versions were easily available or shown on the website.


The slim and portable builds can be found here

Can you show me how to find from the main website please?

There's no published link that I'm aware of. The link is probably known to (let's be generous) a thousand users, against CC's claim of 6 billion downloads, which is statistially zero. Any link that's not published is unsupported, but Piriform staff have mentioned it and Piriform publishes MD5 hashes for the slim and portables. I don't know any other business that operates in such a bewildering way.

This is of course not the answer to the problem raised in this thread, which is a running sore. To keep clear of this I use an old portable version. Yes, unsupported.

CCleaner has offered Chrome as an option upon install since 2010:


Third party offers help to fund the free distribution of CCleaner but, as has been mentioned elsewhere on this forum over the past couple of months, CCleaner only benefits from third party offers that people actually use, so we have been redesigning the offer screens to reduce the risk to users who hastily next>next>next click their way through the installer.

The "slim build" is intended for users who have difficulty with the full build installer due to false positive detection on the Google Chrome Toolbar offer (no longer an issue since that was removed from CCleaner 5.58) or who have accessibility issues. Made available for such special cases only, as I recall it is linked from the support documentation - and is also discoverable via a Google search

On 11/08/2019 at 12:07, Augeas said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix">
		The link is probably known to (let's be generous) a thousand users, against CC's claim of 6 billion downloads, which is statistially zero.

2.5 billion downloads ( And, statistically, a bit over 4% of new installations are with the Slim Build.

I use Google Chrome. It's ALL I've used for years. What I really DON'T appreciate is an update to CCleaner installing CCbrowser and making it the default browser. Is that asked about during the CCleaner installation? Probably, and naturally, it's MY fault that this unwanted software (CCbrowser) is now on my computer and taking, so far, eight minutes to uninstall. What is it doing??

Please make it OBVIOUS that you're going to install another bit of software with CCleaner before you do it. Don't just piggyback CCbrowser to other software and expect people to appreciate your "generosity." It's rude and extremely bad form. Now, nine minutes waiting for an uninstall.... WTH??

Is PRO version bundle free, after all the users have paid for it. been a while since i had to reinstall it.

admin says "we have been redesigning the offer screens to reduce the risk to users who hastily next>next>next click their way through the installer". oh, really. is that why the selection boxes are already checked? to reduce the risk? why not leave the boxes empty? that would really reduce the risk don't you think? how is the above screenshot going to reduce risk to people that "hastily next>next>next click their way through the installer"?

On 12/08/2019 at 15:02, Dave CCleaner said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		And, statistically, a bit over 4% of new installations are with the Slim Build.

because? the reasoning is the retrospective justification.

a few years ago... i dont know what the percentage between standard and slim/portable was...


but since a few years without "official" builds-page -> 4 % slim/portable -> who is wondering


... well

4 hours ago, maclark1953 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		oh, really.  is that why the selection boxes are already checked?  to reduce the risk?  why not leave the boxes empty?  that would really reduce the risk don't you think?  how is the above screenshot going to reduce risk to people that "hastily next&gt;next&gt;next click their way through the installer"?

we have to stay fair :-) <--- in v5.64 it was changed

<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		<strong>User-friendly improvements to installer offers</strong>

		- Offers for Avast and CCleaner products are now presented in a separate step in the installer

		- Offers for Avast and CCleaner products are no longer checked by default

The Google Chrome offer is still ticked by default, and so will still end up with unwanted installs if people click through without carefully looking at what the installer shows.

I don't know if they'd get paid for in-house offers like Avast Antivirus and AVG Antivirus since they're all owned and/or merged with Avast, however the Google offer they would obviously monetize. Suppose it's the "price to pay" for using freeware, and one does have to really slow down when installing software to make sure "offers" aren't inadvertently installed. The ultimate solution is to of course always use zipped portable versions of any software if/when it's offered. CCleaner is offered as Portable (zipped) and Slim (setup) which don't try to install anything 3rd party from the get go (although you'll still get in-program pop-up adverts to upgrade, etc.).

No more offers for Avast and CCleaner products are ticked by default at install :)

Unfortunately Chrome install is still ticked by default :angry:

10 hours ago, hazelnut said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		No more offers for Avast and CCleaner products are ticked by default at install <img alt=":)" data-emoticon="true" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_smile.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20"></p>

Only in CCleaner, they are still pre-ticked in the installers for Defraggler, Speccy, and Recuva. (Because those have not been updated yet).