XP, 512 Ram and 63.94 GB of free space! Not that I'm slow, just need your opinion as to whether I should do this. It's from providers FAQ! As always thank you!
"Why does my Internet Explorer seem so slow?
Nine times out of ten this is due to the cache size in Internet Explorer being set to write to much to your hard drive. Each time you try and go to a new web page your computer first looks in the cache to see if you have it on the hard drive already. The larger the size, the longer it takes for the computer to do the comparison. To change the cache size and clean out the cache, right click on the desktop icon and choose 'Properties' from the drop down menu. Once you've done this the Internet Explorer Properties box will appear. Under the 'General' tab, you should have a button that says 'Settings' on it under the heading 'Temporary Internet Files'. Click on 'Settings' and another box will appear. Set the amount of disk space to use for temporary internet files to minimum and if you have the option to set the Mb, set it to between 1 and 3. Since ARMSTRONG ZOOM? is fast enough to pull pages from the internet, there is no need to keep a lot of files on the computer. Once you've set the internet files to minimum, click 'Ok' then 'Ok' again and you should see a difference."