Display Settings

Somehow my display settings have changed. My desktop looks different, almost a little blurry and the icons take up more space.

My internet message area (Thunderbird) is more compact and the usual amount of area space is much reduced. Mozilla's area is also much reduced and compact and I cannot see all of the text area. It's almost as if my computer is in SAFE MODE but it does not say so when I start up. Normally I have a choice whether to start in normal, safe mode, or something other. Still it seems to be running in SAFE MODE.

Windows 98


Spyware Blaster



Any ideas how I can get my display back to how it used to be?


First check for changes in:

Display Properties > Settings - Screen Resolution

Display Properties > Settings > Advanced > General - Display - DPI Setting

First check for changes in:

Display Properties > Settings - Screen Resolution

Display Properties > Settings > Advanced > General - Display - DPI Setting

Okay . . . but what am I looking for to determine what the settings should be?

If you don't know what your settings were, your monitor specifications (owner's manual or manufacturer's web site) should list a recommended resolution. If in doubt, given your problem, try the maximum available ... the higher the resolution the smaller the icons.

The dpi setting should offer a drop-down with Normal size, Large size and Custom setting. If you never set this, use Normal.