Display Issue

I just started using CCleaner, and I'm having a display problem. The following is a screenshot of the program (52-KB PNG):


As you can see, the checkboxes are distorted. I have the same problem with Spybot, which uses a similar interface. Some time ago I adjusted the font and other settings under the control panel's display properties (I had to do this to get LCD monitor looking OK), and I assume that this might be the source of my problem.

Is there any way to fix this?



(I had to do this to get LCD monitor looking OK), and I assume that this might be the source of my problem.

What exactly do you mean by "get LCD monitor looking OK"?

Are you talking about how fonts look on screen or something else?

Yeah, put the font size back to 96DPI.

Your major problem that I can see at this time is you have the Caption Buttons set to Jupiter size, they're way to freakin' big. From the image they're sized at 37x35 pixels.

Downsize them via:

Control Panel > Appearance and Themes > Display > Appearance > Advanced > Caption Buttons

A size of about 20 is a good size to start at

Your major problem that I can see at this time is you have the Caption Buttons set to Jupiter size, they're way to freakin' big. From the image they're sized at 37x35 pixels....

Thanks for this suggestion. It fixed my problem. Who would have thought that the size of the caption buttons would be related to the checkboxes. Anyway, all fixed. :D

Thanks again