Disk space problem...

A few minutes before, I had 26.6 gigs of free space left. A few minutes later, my free space was 26.3 gigs. What happened? (Note: I cancelled an installation of .NET Framework 3.0 at that time because it froze.) I restarted my computer and it's still this way. What's the problem?

I dunno if Microsoft would automatically remove a failed download, but you can look in My Computer > C: > Windows > Microsoft.NET > Framework, and see if there's a folder for .NET Framework 3.0.

If there is, I'm not sure if you could just delete it, or have to somehow uninstall it.

Better minds than mine will surely step in on that one, but have a look and see what you have.

Edit: A failed install could be still on your PC. If it is, there is a way to get rid of it.

Thanks for the help Dennis! I tried out this tool and it removed all install failiures and leftover files I think because my HD space is back to 26.6 gigs! :lol:

Thanks for the help Dennis! I tried out this tool and it removed all install failiures and leftover files I think because my HD space is back to 26.6 gigs! :lol:


I am sure that Dennis just forgot that he probably has the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility.

The program that you used probably led to this utility.

How to resolve Common "Windows Installer" Problems http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555175/en-us

Method 3

Use Windows Installer CleanUp Utility to uninstall the failed product.

Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility

http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;290301 Description and download

Warning The Windows Installer CleanUp Utility is provided "as is" to help resolve installation problems for programs that use Microsoft Windows Installer. If you use this utility, you may have to reinstall other programs. Caution is advised. We recommend that you do not use this utility with 2007 Office system products.

The way I interpret this is do not use this utility to clean up 2007 Office system products failed installs.

This version of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility works correctly in all 32-bit versions of Microsoft Windows. The 32-bit versions of Microsoft Windows are as follows:

? Microsoft Windows Vista

? Microsoft Windows Server 2003

? Microsoft Windows XP

? Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition

? Microsoft Windows 2000

? Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or later

? Microsoft Windows 98

? Microsoft Windows 95

This version of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility works correctly in all 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows. The 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows are as follows:

? Microsoft Windows Server 2003

? Microsoft Windows XP

? Microsoft Windows Vista

Special clean-up tool for .Net framework

http://astebner.sts.winisp.net/Tools/dotne...leanup_tool.zip Removal tool to fix .NET Framework install failures. Used by me as of 05/05/08 and no problems.You should check his home page for updates.

Most users should install this utility and the Windows clean-up tool above..

:) davey

I'm pleased you got it sorted Icedrake, and nice post davey.

I'm actually pleased you had no problems, as it's possible to corrupt the other .NET Framework Installations when you try to remove a failed one, because of the shared files and registry keys.

Thankfully we didn't have to go down the path of reinstalling all the other .NET Framework installations.

If you have any follow up problems with .NET Framework Icedrake, have a look here:

Microsoft Help and Support:

I tried out this tool and it removed all install failiures and leftover files I think because my HD space is back to 26.6 gigs! :lol:

I'll have to add that one to my kit, because one never knows when those big bloated installs will go kaboom.

A few minutes before, I had 26.6 gigs of free space left. A few minutes later, my free space was 26.3 gigs. What happened? (Note: I cancelled an installation of .NET Framework 3.0 at that time because it froze.) I restarted my computer and it's still this way. What's the problem?

see my post [ Harddrive got full ] no one can tell way this happened to you.

I'll have to add that one to my kit, because one never knows when those big bloated installs will go kaboom.


I just wanted to remind that this tool is just for .Net Framework clean up.

I used on May 05,2008 after using Add/Remove Programs to uninstall .Net Framework 3.5 Pre-release.

They both worked with no problems.

Also no problems installing release 3.5.

Special clean-up tool for .Net framework

http://astebner.sts.winisp.net/Tools/dotne...leanup_tool.zip Removal tool to fix .NET Framework install failures. . Used by me as of 05/05/08 and no problems.

You should check his Blog page for updates. http://blogs.msdn.com/astebner/archive/200.../08/406671.aspx

:) davey