Disk Image

In updating my Windows 7 Computer to Windows 10, several of my personal Folders came up empty (they Show in Windows 10 as an empty Folder). After trying all methods suggested in the Windows Forum (Shadow Explorer, Windows.old Folder), I want to use recuva to recover the files.

Recuva is installed on my C: drive.

When I start the Programme / (program), it asks me whether I want to create a disk Image. I created a disk Image (of EVERYTHING) on an external hard drive.

After doing this, the Computer shut down automatically.

So now my question is:

(a) Is it OK to run Recuva from the C: drive; or should I install it on a usb stick and run from there?

(B) When I turn on Recuva again, it again asks me whether I want to create a disk Image. -- I do not know how to inform the Programme/program that there already IS a disk image.


I do not think this question is covered in the piriform FAQ or on this Forum. If it is, please provide me with the link, as my own search for an answer has not yielded any results.

(the next question would be: do I recover from the disk image or from the drive itself?)

I know I Sound like a novice... in some things, I am a bit novice :(

The official documentation is located at:


If you're a licensed user of Recuva Professional which has the disk imaging you can get support here from Piriform, or wait for someone familiar with the Pro version to chime in. I'm not familiar with the Pro version to assist.

Andavari, I think, as soon as you reply to a topic, it does not show up in the list of unanswered questions; so nobody is going to know to come here..... I just don't like the way recuva works: it gave me the option of creating a disk image -- but where it must recover from is the disk itself anyway. Also, if the image already exists and you click "create image" it will just create a new one. I finally let it scan the disk itself. For all types of files. Weird thing is: I used advanced options -- and chose not to "show undeleted files" -- it still came up with over 1 TB of data on a 320 GB hard drive! It is in the process of restoring now. I simply deselected some of them (restoring them to an external HD). And the other thing about it is that it showed me 128 files with too long filenames -- but the only cholce I have there is to abort the entire recovery or not to recover the ones with the too long names. What about the option of shortening the name?

I am not certain what Recuva does: both photorec and disk-drill offer the option of scanning the empty space (that is, not for overwritten files, I guess?) --- but recuva scans EVERYTHING (which is good) and shows extant files (what for)?

Some helpful volunteers have created walk-throughs for photorec and disk-drill, along with step-by-step pictures and what each stage means -- the piriform instructions are more sparse.

Finally I am simply recovering both with disk-drill and with photorec- - hopefully that will give me everything I need. If it does not, I don't care anyway.

Feeling tired,


PS -- no need to reply. I will send part of these questions to recuva support.