Disk Analyzer misrepresenting "Offline" OneDrive files.

I have over 25GB worth of files that I'm storing using OneDrive. One of the cool features of OneDrive to save space is "Offline" versus "Online Only". If I place a 12.5MB file in my local OneDrive folder, it takes up 12.5MB on my hard-drive and 12.5MB up in OneDrive (that "Offline"). However, if I right click on the file, I'm given the following option, "Make available online-only". When I select this option, it creates a snapshot of the "file" (applies to any file) and replaces the local version with the snapshot version. So when I look at the properties of the file now, it shows the following:

Size: 12.5MB

Size on disk: 68KB

So I'm getting a false number for "Picture" of 25GB but in reality it's only 618MB.

I use CCleaner everyday but just started using Disk Analyzer. Let me know if this is doable.



Problem is that for the most part (not for these files but files in general) the size on disc is the more important of the numbers

Problem is that for the most part (not for these files but files in general) the size on disc is the more important of the numbers

Correct, size on disk is more important but it doesn't look like Disk Analyzer is using that.

So is this something that will be fixed?

Sorry I mistyped, meant "size" is more important than size on disc