I have over 25GB worth of files that I'm storing using OneDrive. One of the cool features of OneDrive to save space is "Offline" versus "Online Only". If I place a 12.5MB file in my local OneDrive folder, it takes up 12.5MB on my hard-drive and 12.5MB up in OneDrive (that "Offline"). However, if I right click on the file, I'm given the following option, "Make available online-only". When I select this option, it creates a snapshot of the "file" (applies to any file) and replaces the local version with the snapshot version. So when I look at the properties of the file now, it shows the following:
Size: 12.5MB
Size on disk: 68KB
So I'm getting a false number for "Picture" of 25GB but in reality it's only 618MB.
I use CCleaner everyday but just started using Disk Analyzer. Let me know if this is doable.