Disable Scheduling

Yes, a *bug*.

Why have I been searching the CCleaner UI for 20 minutes and haven't been able to figure out how to disable the automatic tasks/scheduling stuff???

First of all, it is SUPER annoying when any software DEFAULTS to automatically running on your system, and it is juvenile to code it to do so. Second, I am seriously pissed off that not only did it set up that way, but apparently you guys have gone out of your way to make it real hard to turn this off. Here is what I want:

I do not want CCleaner to do ANYTHING, *EVER*, unless I tell it to do so.

Please tell me how to set this as I wish. (Btw, I installed CCleaner recently because I remember being very impressed with it years ago and thought I'd give it another try and consider buying it. At present, I have doubts that I will do so, because of the issues I've just mentioned. Maybe you can convince me otherwise.

Bill Nolan

Renegade Systems

Phoenix, AZ

1 hour ago, Bill Nolan said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		haven't been able to figure out how to disable the automatic tasks/scheduling stuff???

Do you mean the calendared cleaning under Options > Scheduling? This is only available in CCleaner Professional (and the CCleaner Professional 15 day trial) and has to be explicitly enabled - so I am not sure how you would have managed to switch it on using the free version.


Or have you got the "run a one-time clean" checked for when windows has started under Options > Settings? Again, that needs to have already been switched on, so you should see that defaulting to off.


If your concern is with the Automatic Updates (previously a paid-only feature that was opened up to free users from CCleaner 5.74, solving the long-running frustration our free users had had with needing to manually update CCleaner every few weeks) that can be controlled under Options > Updates:


This is not the Pro version, nor at any time did I select any automatic or scheduled cleaning, nor is "run a one-time clean" checked. "Scheduling" may or may not indicate this is set up currently (such options are greyed-out, HOWEVER, they are showing as being set to run monthly right now.) And it did run automatically yesterday, which is why I put up this post. How and why did this happen?

57 minutes ago, Bill Nolan said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		... it did run automatically yesterday, which is why I put up this post.  How and why did this happen?

I am interested in this.

Can you explain what you saw that told you that CCleaner had run by itself?

I don't want to ask any leading questions so if you could just say what you saw that would be good.

I no longer recall what it said.

Ah, so it was a message.

That is not what I was expecting and I don't believe that CCleaner ran at all.

I think that what you saw was nothing to do with scheduling. Especially as you have the Free version which doesn't do scheduling.

Instead I think that what you saw was a popup notification, bottom right of your screen, probably offering you a CCleaner licence very cheaply. (It's Black Friday sale time everywhere).

It's advertising and some find it annoying, but it's nothing to do with scheduling.

If you had CCleaner Pro already then you wouldn't have got it. Occasional advertising is part of the price you pay for using a product, any product, for free. TNSTAAFL as the saying goes.

Absolutely not. The message was along the lines of "CCleaner found <whatever> wrong...".

I would not have made the post I made here because of an advertisement. I certainly know the difference.

My aplogies then. Lets see if we can track down what happened.

As Dave CCleaner said above Scheduling should not be running in the Free version, you can't even turn it on in Free.

One thing he didn't mention above is Smart Cleaning which can run in a limited fashion in Free, and can notify you if there is junk to clean, do you by any chance have that enabled?


Yes, it is enabled. If it isn't supposed to be, I have no idea how it got enabled, because I am certain that at no point did I enable anything. Also, even though "scheduling" is apparently disabled, it DOES show "greyed-out" values in place that give the appearance that it is set to those values. Perhaps it IS set to those values (if so, why?), and if not it would probably be a good idea not to show any selected values in the "greyed-out" area to give that false impression.

Mystery solved then, - it was the Smart Cleaning that did it.

Disabling Smart Cleaning should leave you alone in future.

I believe that it is enabled by default when you first install CCleaner, Free or Pro.

People asked for it to be that way so they could put CCleaner Free on a (usually elderly) relatives computer and know that it would be cleaning even if the relative never looked at it.

With the Free verson you can turn it on or off for Junk cleaning (not for browser cleaning) but you can't change the default 'trigger' value that is greyed out.

(Or change the action it should take which is also greyed out)

However the greyed out value (and action) that you see may not be the same as my screenshot above.

That's because I do normally use CCleaner Pro and may have changed them in there, so they'd get carried over but greyed out when I opened Free to take that screenshot.

(I can't remember what they are set at by default).

I think that it's similar with the Sceduler and the values greyed out there are simply default values, there has to be something in those fields.

3 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		I think that it's similar with the Sceduler and the values greyed out there are simply default values, there has to be <em>something</em> in those fields.

...But those default values are ON, scheduled for monthly cleaning. Perhaps it doesn't do anything, because "enable" is on set, but just wondering why these default values are shown, because it is misleading.

I think that most people know that if someting is greyed out then either - (1) it is not in effect, or (2) it is in effect but you can't change the settings.

That is standard practice with software.

In the case of CCleaner Free the Sceduling is showing the defaults - but if you look above scheduling is disabled so they cannot be in action.

However if you upgrade to Pro then those are the defaults that will become active until/unless you change them.


So now, out of nowhere, I'm suddenly getting intrusive CCleaner application pop ups. Perhaps I could spend several hours to fix this. But since CCleaner has ensured that there is no obvious way to do this, I have permanently removed CCleaner and will recommend same to others.

Heya @Bill Nolan, I'm sorry to hear that. We can help you out and see what's going on with your app on your device if you contact our team with an email at support@ccleaner.com so they could have a better look over your situation.