Okay, I know this has been covered before, but how does one install DirectX updates from FileHippo? The download engine asks to point to a folder location.
All it wants you to do is unpack into a temporary folder like say "C:\Temp" then you open that folder and run: DXSETUP.exe
All it wants you to do is unpack into a temporary folder like say "C:\Temp" then you open that folder and run: DXSETUP.exe
How friggin evil. That is evil. It's like......so friggin evil. Thanks, I did it according to your instructions. But still, it's evil. Damn!
How friggin evil. That is evil. It's like......so friggin evil. Thanks, I did it according to your instructions. But still, it's evil. Damn!
Unpack to C:\WINDOWS\TEMP and CCleaner will clean them at its next run.
These files are Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor. As already suggested you just run them and choose a location to extract the files too. You can also open them with WinZip if you right-click and select Open with WinZip. Then you just select a folder to unzip the too.
As you say this topic as been answered before. The problem I've had with downloading the DirectX 9.0 updates from FileHippo is that they are corrupt. I've tried Microsoft and other vendors but they are the same. After you have extracted them and run DXSETUP.exe it says that files are corrupt contact the vendor so they won't installed. The last version I downloaded of FileHippo that worked was DirectX 9.0c (Nov 07).exe.
I have the November 2008 DirectX updates installed direct from the Microsoft DirectX updates site
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=enDirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer
Brief Description
November 2008
The Microsoft DirectX? End-User Runtime provides updates to 9.0c and previous versions of DirectX ? the core Windows? technology that drives high-speed multimedia and games on the PC.
Validation Required.
How friggin evil. That is evil. It's like......so friggin evil. Thanks, I did it according to your instructions. But still, it's evil. Damn!
You could also repack the setup files into your own SFX archive. I personally make my own WinZip Self-Extractor archive that automatically removes the extracted files once the setup has completed and I've been doing that for years with the DirectX setup.
The problem I've had with downloading the DirectX 9.0 updates from FileHippo is that they are corrupt.
Do the MD5 Checksums match on the downloaded file to what FileHippo lists? If not it's getting corrupted on downloading.
You can get a free portable MD5 Checksum software from: