If you haven't heard....
COWON America, Inc. ("COWON"), a division of Korean multimedia company, COWON Systems, Inc., is an innovator in digital media. COWON offers various versions of multimedia software (JetAudio) and portable MP3 players (iAUDIO). The company remains at the forefront of new multimedia software developments and sales of COWON Systems' comprehensive products in the North American markets. COWON continues to ensure COWON Systems' successful achievements in Asian markets and is carrying on the momentum in North America. COWON is headquartered in Seoul with an office in Irvine, Calif.
I myself searched and search and found the ScanDisk, iRiver and Philips were up to no good in support in leading the pack of customer service and Firmware updates. Cowon and Samsung seemed to have the upper hand. I looked at Samsung and thought "Hmm... there DAP's were well developed and their firmware seemed to be updated every month or so" but when I searched I found Cowon days later and man did I love hearing good rates and opinions. I was going through and they had released the Cowon F2 some months ago and thought why not try it. Yes... of COURSE I looked at the U3 and such but something about the F2 I liked. I ordered it off Newegg and waited and eversince I've had it it has not crashed once. The sound is AWESOME and way better then some damn iPod. Cowon products deliver better sound options and features *Well... more feature "
If you haven't heard about this company then you should look around. Cowon is at CES this year and they are displaying two new DAPs.
The A3 "Which is a upgrade from the A2" and the "Cowon Q5 which I believe to be a clone or a special edition of the Cowon N2"
Links... "Below"