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Limited ultimate vista with Bill Gates signature

i like the idea of the signature

nothing so special tho

Bill Gates signature, zomg lol! :D

9 editions, thats so dumb. Is 9 editions really needed?

Answer: Nope.

Seems like a bad strategy that will confuse people, but maybe its meant to confuse consumers in order to milk them.

Apple doesn't have 9 different versions of Mac OS X.

Seems like a good approach to me. The user for once gets to choose what he needs.

Bill Gates signature, zomg lol! :D

9 editions, thats so dumb. Is 9 editions really needed?

Answer: Nope.

Seems like a bad strategy that will confuse people, but maybe its meant to confuse consumers in order to milk them.

Apple doesn't have 9 different versions of Mac OS X.

I agree, 9 versions is just silly :blink:

Have a basic model and and advanced, as in XP Home and Pro.

Honestly who the heck would want a version with Bill Gates signature? Bill Gates maybe just in case he forgets who he is?

I agree, 9 versions is just silly :blink:

Have a basic model and and advanced, as in XP Home and Pro.

I also agree. Although I wouldn't even have two versions, I'd have the one, e.g.; "Pro" or whatever they're going to call it.

I also agree. Although I wouldn't even have two versions, I'd have the one, e.g.; "Pro" or whatever they're going to call it.

The more I think about it, I'd say one is more than enough. As long as when on the first install you get the chance to install the things you want and leave off things that you don't want, like WMP, all the unnecessary language packs, MSN etc. Basically it's YOUR pc why should you be forced to install things that you don't want or need. (Sorry rant over ;) )

Bill Gates signature, zomg lol! :D

Tru dat. Only a matter of time before they come out with Microsoft Employee trading cards. Sad.

And 9 different variations of an operating system is an atrocity. Confuse the hell out of the consumer; what an excellent business approach. I agree with you guys: one main version of the OS is plenty sufficient. If MS wants to market versions of Windows with additional features separately, why not just sell those individual features as downloadable add-ons to the main OS? Not only would that be easier for the consumers, but it would be cheaper for Microsoft too, since they wouldn't have to mess around with advertising and packaging 9 totally different products!

And 9 different variations of an operating system is an atrocity. Confuse the hell out of the consumer; what an excellent business approach. I agree with you guys: one main version of the OS is plenty sufficient. If MS wants to market versions of Windows with additional features separately, why not just sell those individual features as downloadable add-ons to the main OS? Not only would that be easier for the consumers, but it would be cheaper for Microsoft too, since they wouldn't have to mess around with advertising and packaging 9 totally different products!

I was thinking of the word confusing just looking at the thread title before I even initially opened and replied to it.

Since not all Windows-users are computer savvy it will cause nothing but confusion, and I already fill sorry for people that buy PC's off the shelf since they'll most likely come with the stripped down OS version. I wouldn't really want downloadable OS components - if it isn't on the original disc from the get go it wouldn't interest me, but then again I have no interest in Vista either so it's a non-issue for me.

Tru dat. Only a matter of time before they come out with Microsoft Employee trading cards. Sad.

I have the Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer cards. My favourite is the Steve Ballmer card, hes special attack is Dance Monkeyboy!

______________________|	BILL GATES	  ||					||	   (o.o)		||--------------------|| Hitpoints:	1500 || Stamina:	   100 || Strenght:	  750 || Endurance:	 500 || Agility:	   900 ||--------------------|______________________|	STEVE BALLMER   ||					||	  \(o.O)/	   ||--------------------|| Hitpoints:	1000 || Stamina:	  9000 || Strenght:	  550 || Endurance:	2500 || Agility:	   400 ||--------------------|

Bill Gates signature, zomg lol! :D

9 editions, thats so dumb. Is 9 editions really needed?

Answer: Nope.

Seems like a bad strategy that will confuse people, but maybe its meant to confuse consumers in order to milk them.

Apple doesn't have 9 different versions of Mac OS X.

Nor do they have 90% of the market share. On that perspective, Apple has more OS's per market share. I wish Apple did have 90% though so that malicious people would leave us windows people alone and attack them instead. I do agree that 4, sorry 9, is a bit much though.