I'm trying to recover files from a WD 750 gig external drive. Everything is fine until I try to copy the file to another drive. After I click on recover button, the "Operation Completed" dialog box appears with the results. But the files I wanted to copy have the message "The device is not ready." Can anyone explain what is causing this message. I've looked in ther FAQ's and the forum with no success. This happens even though I have tried to copy to both an internal and external drive destination.
Like wise with me. I have a laptop 120GB SATA hard drive that I connected to my desktop via USB. The deep scan took about 2 hours. At around 50% I notice the hard drive light stopped blinking. But the % continued.
When it's done scanning, selecting any file to recover, results in the Device Not Ready in the result screen.
It seems to me, the drive goes to 'sleep' after a time of inactivity and by time the scan is done, recuva see's the drive as 'not ready'.
That's just my newbie observation. I have read restarting the computer and scanning again helps. I don't have a problem when I select to scan for Documents. But for Pictures (which is a LOT more than the Documents) gave me the error.