Device is not ready error

I am trying to recover some pics off an old laptop hard drive that crashed and was reformatted. I performed a deep scan using Recuva and a hard drive adaptor and it found the pictures. When I check the pictures I want to recover and hit recover, it cycles through and states that 0 files were recovered as "the device is not ready". Any help or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks

I am trying to recover some pics off an old laptop hard drive that crashed and was reformatted. I performed a deep scan using Recuva and a hard drive adaptor and it found the pictures. When I check the pictures I want to recover and hit recover, it cycles through and states that 0 files were recovered as "the device is not ready". Any help or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks

Hi, I've got the same message/problem, found all my files it seems - just wont get them up!

Would be nice if someone could answer this soon! I'm a bit nervous couse i thought I'd lost all my files,

and have I???

Hi, I've got the same message/problem, found all my files it seems - just wont get them up!

Would be nice if someone could answer this soon! I'm a bit nervous couse i thought I'd lost all my files,

and have I???

Hi again, I guess you might have solved the problem allready but anyway:

I just restarted the pc , the program, and yes it does take som time but after the restart and a new search all seems to work out well!!!

I'm at work now, but my pc is at home doing the job for me ;) I've already checked some of the jpg?s and they are all right!

If all worked out well by tomorrow morning, I will seariously consider a donation for this great program!

I should add that I bought another e usb hard drive to restore the files to, as it was promted by the program.

Thanks for now


I am sure this post has long since died but I wanted to share my findings and what fixed it for me (this was the number one google result fot the issue)

1) Disable all sleep/hibernate functions on your laptop.

2) Go into Device manager and open up the Universial Serial Bus list

For each USB Root Hub disable "Allow the computer to turn this device off to save power"

3) Open up your windows power settings (I am on windows 7). Navigate to the "Power Options" Screen and get to the "advanced power settings" From here I disabled "USB selective suspend setting" Set "Turn off hard disk after" to 29000 minutes (so it would never shut off)

There may have been more settings in here which I turned off to prevent the device from becoming inactive, but thse should be all you need to reverse the issue. (you will need to rescan)

A probably simpler and more thorough solution is to first use Windows Explorer and select the partition you wish to recover from.

This will cause the drive to "spin up" and when it has done so then Windows Explorer will show the contents and you can launch Recuva.

This is more thorough in that even a "Green" drive that automatically shuts down to save power will respond.

When you disable sleep and power options etc this only stops Windows from issuing "stand down" commands,

but "Green" drives will still shut down regardless if they are being ignored.