Despite being cleaned off, the registry always seems to come back?

Thank you for taking the time to get in touch. The line keeps reappearing after I clean it? Please see the attached screen shot...You may have to restart the computer to get it to appear. I would appreciate it if you could help. As a new member, I am unfamiliar with forums. Can you please get back to me?

Hi @eliot Our support team would be happy to help with this.

Do they have permission to contact you via email, using the same address that is registered to your forums account?

@eliotyou haven't posted a screenshot, but I don't think that we need one.

I'm assuming that you are refering to the registry entry for 'speechruntime.exe'.

It is needed by Windows, and so Windows will always put it back if/when you remove it, you can tell CCleaner to ignore it. (better yet don't use the Registry Cleaner on Windows 10 at all).

See this:

There are various things that will come straight back after cleaning, and there are reasons why they do that.

For a fuller explanation of why, and what you can do to stop some of it see this: