Desktop Themes

Hi everyone,

I love all of the different desktop themes that you all have. I have periodically tried them myself, and loved them. But my computer gets really buggy anytime I install any of them. Is there something that I can do to have the themes without my computer bugging about them?

Thanks in advance,


Funny you'd mention that! For the first time today (before I had even seen this thread) I downloaded Neowin UXTheme Multi-Patcher v4.0 and installed some deviantART themes. My system started acting sluggish as hell which I'd contribute to the UXTheme.dll patch, I suppose the WinXP File Protection warning isn't entirely a b.s. pop-up message. I'm now going to remove the third-party themes and restore to the original MS installed UXTheme.dll.

"My system started acting sluggish as hell"

That's what starts happening to me. Also things will periodically freeze. Starting up, and shutting down my computer takes forever with installed themes as well.

"I'd contribute to the UXTheme.dll patch"

Is the theme patch a seperate download from the themes? If so, then that isn't my problem because I've never installed a seperate theme patch. But if it's included with the themes then it could be my problem.

I suppose the WinXP File Protection warning isn't entirely a b.s. pop-up message.

I've never gotten a warning message. Just a pretty PC that runs like crap. ;)

Is the theme patch a seperate download from the themes?

Yes. It's required to use non-Microsoft third-party themes.

Yes. It's required to use non-Microsoft third-party themes.

Do you have a link?

I use that same file. It works fine. But the downside you can't enable any of the specail effects with the Themes. such as: See through windows, slow shader affects while going towards a new window, and more.

Do you have a link?

If I were you, I'd use the UXTheme.dll from XPixe, autoomatically patches it, which also installs Royale, updates icons e.c.t:

Noticed no sluggishness.

that almost never works for me. it always warns me that there's WinXP instalation files in C:\WINDOWS or some other bs.

the way i replaced mine is by getting the accual UXTheme file and replace it with a program called Replacer

after restart, kill explorer.exe, and use some other program to navigate to C:\WINDOWS, and from there, delete uxtheme.dll(it conflicts with the one in system32 which sucks).

Can you give me clearer instructions because it didn't work.

Question: Replacer moves the replaced UXTheme.dll to the dll cache folder. Am I supposed to delete the UXTheme.dll from the cache folder?



no. here's what's happening.

in order for any program to have a skin, they have to use uxtheme.dll . that file is responsible for setting the skin and other settings(if you run "RunDllAsApp "uxtheme.dll", then it will show the Display thing in Control Panel).

now since you've replaced the original file, every program is supposed to use it. BUT, if the file is in the same folder as the program that's being run, then it will use another skin set by a sepperate uxtheme.dll file

since exlorer.exe and uxtheme.dll are in the same folder, exlorer.exe will use the one in C:\WINDOWS instead of the one in C:\WINDOWS\system32.

so what you have to do is, Kill explorer using Task Manager, browse to C:\WINDOWS(I used 7-Zip but a lot of programs that have a view like that will work), and then delete the uxtheme.dll(you can because it isnt being used by any program). after that, go to the Task Manager, click File > Run, and select exlorer.exe.

after that it should work. please not that you have to do my instructions first above.

and also no you dont need to remove it from the cache folder because that folder is meant to replace important system files if they've been replaced. in other words, no program uses the uxtheme.dll file that's in there.

edit:i forgot to mentino but after you've killed explorer.exe, you cant use the regular Folders because they are a part of explorer.exe which isnt running. as i mentioned, an application like 7-Zip, WinZip, WinRAR, or anything else that can browse folders will work

I'm glad I didn't have to go through all that s**t.

I'm glad I didn't have to go through all that s**t.

:lol: Nice for you!

@JD - I did what you suggested, and it didn't work. Thanks anyway though. ;)

i think that when you install any brico pack uxtheme.dll is being patched. Did i wrong?

you are wrong, partially. the Brico Pack installer replaces it instead of patching it.

The best way to patch the UX theme and not slow down your PC is as follows (though I use XPize, see above):


1) Download the UxTheme.dll from Lunarsoft:

2) Extract the uxtheme.dll file to your desktop.

3) Restart in Safe Mode.

4) Navigate to C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache, rename uxtheme.dll to uxtheme.dll.bak.

5) Then copy the uxtheme.dll that is on your desktop and paste it into C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllCache.

6) Then Navigate to C:\WINDOWS\system32, rename uxtheme.dll to uxtheme.dll.bak.

7)Then paste the uxtheme.dll into C:\WINDOWS\system32.

8) Restart the computer.

I know I'm going to get shot down for this one, but sometimes you gotta just go for it :D

What your doing seems like a real pain in the rear end, have any of you thought about WindowBlinds 5?

It's easy to use, and there great number of cool themes.

Major downside is the cost, but since I got it, my PC has never missed a beat, if I do say so myself looks great :rolleyes:

1) Download the UxTheme.dll from Lunarsoft:

that gives a 404. also IIRC, that file is sort of outdated than the uxtheme.dll file that i have. i remember that when i had problems with the uxtheme file, i downloaded it and noticed the one that i dled from softpedia was more recent :)

that gives a 404. also IIRC, that file is sort of outdated than the uxtheme.dll file that i have. i remember that when i had problems with the uxtheme file, i downloaded it and noticed the one that i dled from softpedia was more recent :)

I got the one from Softpedia. I downloaded some themes, and now I have ran into a crap load of issues.

Here is my new desktop! :( Esta no bueno.

I can change my display settings, but it doesn't actually change my settings. All of my fonts are weird now, and I can't change those either. I can barely see what I'm typing right now.

I did receive a quick error message that said something about my active desktop, but I didn't catch the rest of it.

I must be doing something very wrong with themes. :P Do they need to be extracted to a specific place to work properly? I can't imagine what else the problem could be.

Please help!?! ;) Thanks.

PS - I am determined to figure out what in the h*ll I am doing wrong.

One more thing. Display graphics are overlapping. I don't know if that matters or not.

well. i used a program called Replacer(mentioned above) to do the desired effect but i dunno if it will fix anything. might as well try. also are you using Windows XP? IIRC, there are diffrent versions of the file between SP1 and SP2.