deploying CCleaner to many PC's


i will be deploying CCleaner to a good number of PC's soon and i came up with one question.

after i installed the program on my PC i copied the program out to a shared drive and when others copy the program down to their PC's i noticed that the application tab is blank. I assume this happened because i never installed CCleaner on that PC and therefor it never had a chance to pick up all the applications that were installed on the PC.

Question: If that area is empty should i assume that all of the options are NOT checked and the program will not scan and/or delete any files assoicated with any applications?

thanks for any help. if i didn't explain this enough please let me know.

You need to download and install the portable version (found in other builds). Then the exe can be copied and shared with impunity.

and this portable verison will allow me define one group of settings and distribute that across the other PC's?

I only asked this question because i only need to delete a few select parts that CCleaner is capable of. if i can use the verison i have now i'd rather do that.

I'm just curious about whether or not i will be deleteing anything from the applications tab if it is blank?

I don't use the portable version so I can't be sure, but I guess it will have the default settings to start with. Whether it carries over any change in settings when it's moved to another pc I'm not sure. Maybe someone else knows.