delivery updates on other pcs?

i have read this article (in german)

google translating:

Windows 10 has many new features that build that user data is stored in the Microsoft cloud. Another new feature is the torrent-like sending and receiving Windows updates. Normally, the update function so that a Microsoft server communicates with the PC and sent an update if necessary. Since most desktop computers have Windows as the operating system world, Microsoft has to pump into the server infrastructure gigantic sums. Sometimes the servers are overloaded and the updates come somewhat delayed on. Now Microsoft has incorporated an option that every PC itself can serve as a kind of small servers for updates. This means that my computer sent to other computers updates, but can also receive the updates directly from other computers worldwide. Without any Microsoft server. One may wonder whether that's for sure, but it is as safe as it used to, in principle, for each file that is sent or received, checked for authenticity by a digital signature. You have to remember that you have to wear dispatch the Internet traffic cost only. Because today everything runs through flat-rate, no additional costs are incurred, except for the extra bit of power consumption. The costly connections via LTE / UMTS sticks are automatically detected and no data is sent. I think it's a good idea to distribute the update load something. It can also have a positive impact on global timeliness of Windows 10 systems. Who still remember it can disable a few clicks and reactivate it.


--> settings

--> updates and security

--> windows update

--> advanced options

--> select transmission of updates

here you can disable sending updates to other computers and to receive updates from computers that dont belong to microsoft.

I've always thought antivirus vendors (mainly Avira from several years ago) could've seriously used something like that because their updates (especially program updates) always took forever -- not an issue nowadays as they have much faster and reliable servers.

Digital signature(s) alone wouldn't satisfy me though, I'd want at least SHA-256 hashes or higher to verify the files as original and the OS could do this all by itself in the background and auto-reject any that don't match the digital signature and the hash.

I turned this ability off in Win 10 when I installed it.

After all, I had to pay for the operating system from Microsoft, and I also have to pay for my bandwidth.

All the money Microsoft has I don't see why they should use any of my bandwidth to deliver updates to other people.

Informative bit of news. Thanks. New depths for microsoft.

Windows 10 has always done this.

But like Hazelnut I turned it off straight after installing Win10.

I delved deep into all security issues within Win 10 when I first got it and I shut off at least +95% of any outside influences from Win 10. ("Okay, you can update my system.") Besides trying to turn my big PC into a tiny cell phone, I just don't like them...I was going to finish this with a continuing thought. But I think I nailed it. I just don't like them.