Deleting Temporary files

Hi, im new to ccleaner and i did a analiysis of my system. I have 45 million kb, approx. 43 gigabytes of temporary files. Is it safe to delete it? what would happen if my system - Temporary files were deleted? Also, what are memory dumps? what would happen if my memory dumps are deleted? Next, is it safe to delete EVERYTHING that was analyzed in the cleaner? Lastly, i heard that you should keep the internet cache, should i keep it?

I suggest a screenshot of the CCleaner Analysis.

Also basic specs :-

Version of Windows;

Used space and free space of C:\

oh my bad, the recylcing bin is 43 mil kb, tje temp files are 4mil kb. My computer is windows 7 ultimate, amd fx8320 processor, 8gb ram, and i have a 1tb western digital black hard drive with approx 600gb left, rest of my files are in a 2tb external hardrive.

but that still doesnt answer my questions sir

Memory dumps are when a Microsoft bit of code encounters a problem and basically crashes.

When you get the message "do you want to send the error report to Microsoft?" That's the dump it makes for that.

As to deleting all your temp files. Quick answer is yes.

CC is very gentle in its approach and as much as anything can be, you can trust it to only remove things that are safe to do so.

But if course, you should take precautions if you are either unsure, or until you can trust it, and backup.

Which brings me nicely to an alarming statement you mentioned, you have your data on an external drive.

Please tell me that they don't only, all of them, live on this external unit...

no, i only store my pictures and movies on the external

hopefully you mean you only store a copy of your pictures and movies to the external and the originals are on your internal drive.

just double checking you are aware that external drives die just as easily as their internal brothers, probably more so, since they can get bumped more being external and movable.

if you image your drive on a regular basis, not only does this give you a backup of your personal data, but when using CC or any piece of software you aren't familiar with and don't full understand the potential consequences, it gives you a safety net to recover from any undesirable side-effects.

since you have a big external unit, it'll be a shame not to utilise it to it's full potential. :)

(apologies if all this is what you are already doing - it wasn't clear from your previous posts)

I notice that 45 million kb has suddenly become 4 mil kb

I do not see any screenshot.

Whilst I agree with MTA that CCleaner is safe,

it may have unexpected and regrettable consequences if you let it loose on 45 GB or even just 4 GB of files that might not be the temporary files that you think them to be.