Hi there firstable i want to thank the developer of this great program (the best in my opinion).

Iam trying to delete my opera cookies but the program doea not have this option,

can somebody be so king to tell me the path i supposed to put in other for CC to clean my opera cookies? is this posible or not.

thanks in advance.

Look under the applications tab. There should be an option to clean opera there. If not than you didnt install opera in the default location. Uninstall opera and reinstall it in the default location for CCleaner to clean it. The same thing goes for any of your software.

Thanks for your response rridgely, yes opera is under applications but the only problem is, that it has only boxes for internet cache and internet history and i want to be able to delete the cookies.

thanks in advance.

This is just temporary until all of Opera 8 is added into CCleaner.


1. Open Notepad and paste the below text into the empty window:

[Opera 8 (Single User)]


Detect=HKCU\Software\Opera Software








2. Save the file into the CCleaner program folder as winapp2.ini. If winapp2.ini already exists just paste the cleaning routine into it.

The next time you run the cleaner portion of CCleaner it will remove the already detected Opera files that CCleaner takes care of and those listed in the cleaning routine listed above.

thank you very much Andavary it worked.

I greatly appreciated.